Nuit Astrology

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November 2023 Forecast

Let’s set the stage for the month of November. We still have Venus in Virgo sending blessing beams to Uranus in Taurus which can draw in magical moments of synchronicity. Mercury and Mars are still tightly traveling together in Scorpio which gives a certain depth charge to the energy. And the Nodes have been hanging out at 24 degrees of Aries/Libra for almost a whole month offering strong lessons about partnership and individuation in those areas of life. Let’s dive into the month!


November 1, the Sun in Scorpio begins to stand across the sky from Jupiter in Taurus, use the potential inspiration energy to get things accomplished in the Scorpio area of life through the 6th. Late night/early morning Gemini Moon challenges Venus and Neptune; super long void Moon from 8:36 am EST to 5:30 pm EST. Schedule time for inspiration, you won’t get much traction with linear thinking.


November 2, Cancer Moon nicely aspected, trust your intuitive vibes.


November 3, exact Sun opposite to Jupiter; Venus in Virgo is stepping into an opposition with Neptune in Pisces through the 5th, don’t get lost or confused in the fog. Use it for inspiration and ideas. This is a lot of opposition energy, a “push-pull” sense between Scorpio and Taurus and Virgo and Pisces. Mercury has now escaped the wrath of Mars and is moving forward in Scorpio. Cancer Moon still sending nice intuitive hits.


November 4, Saturn stations D at 0 degrees 30 minutes of Pisces; we begin to have our third hit of the points that have been showing us Pisces lessons since this past March. Mercury in Scorpio steps into an opposition with Uranus in Taurus; watch for sudden information to flow in.


November 5, Venus in Virgo trines to Pluto in Capricorn through the 8th which will bring authority figures to your aid. Be discerning, make lists, make decisions, a strong Earth flow. Moon in Leo is highly challenged with squares; avoid drama scenes and drama queens.


November 6, Mercury in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces, inspiration meets piercing mental clarity. Along with other aspects there is a lot of lovely outer planet energy, see the bigger picture influence on the collective.


November 7, Moon in Virgo sends nice vibes to Jupiter in Taurus and the Sun in Scorpio, Mercury in Scorpio moves away from the Uranus in Taurus opposition and Mars steps into it which turns sudden ideas into sudden actions.


November 8, Venus into Libra, a placement she loves, a much more social  and peaceful Venus. Mercury in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn, at least a day before and a day after which will present excellent opportunities to discover solutions to problems. The Sun is catching up to Mars in Scorpio, so feeling some intensity in that area of life, don’t run or hide. Engage. Also, we have some nice Virgo Moon aspects. This day has good energy for having tough conversations.


November 9, Mercury wraps up Scorpio lessons and whilst still flowing with Pluto begins to clash with Saturn; this can be useful if you are change adept and willing to do the work. Libra Moon touches Venus; dating and mating vibes.


November 10, Challenging day, don’t overschedule. Mercury moves into Sagittarius and immediately has a precise square to Saturn in Pisces. This will test the information you’ve been receiving so far this month. Don’t let it crush the optimism that Mercury into Sagg can bring! Also, Mars in Scorpio opposition to Uranus in Taurus strengthens. Watch yourself, this energy can bring some sudden, shocking events – what areas of life are these for you? Libra Moon right across from Chiron in Aries highlighting what hurts -- stay grounded.


November 11, Moon voids 10:05 am to 1:39 pm; exact Mars/Uranus opposition and the Sun in Scorpio is close by and preparing to oppose Uranus in Taurus too. Stay nimble, there will be some reversals, power dynamics, reality checks.


November 12, Sun and Mars very close together in Scorpio; they will walk together through November 29 which will strengthen them both. Both still standing across from Uranus in Taurus; volatility, yes, but also potential for breakthroughs. Scorpio Moon opposes Jupiter in Taurus; no excess, please. Venus in Libra picking up a nice sextile to Mercury in Sagittarius – this energy will stay in play until November 26, utilize this flow for nice social interactions, cleaning up some of the relationship messes that the previous month stirred up.


November 13, New Moon at 20° 44’ Scorpio at 4:27 am. This is a big one because it touches the Mars/Sun conjunction whilst it opposes Uranus and trines Neptune. It’s also the day of the precise Sun/Uranus opposition. Buckle up, buttercup. This will feel a bit like an eclipse energy. Get clear on your Scorpio manifestations, but leave some room for magic. Moon void from 6:03 pm to 9:23 pm EST.


November 14, the Mars/Sun in Scorpio conjunction trine energy with Neptune in Pisces strengthens, this will build and complete at the end of the week. Big inspiration, great for media. Find the flow between the Scorpio and Pisces areas of life and take advantage of what arises.


November 15, precise Mercury in Sagittarius/Venus in Libra sextile; great conversations, ideas flowing. Moon voids at 5:57 pm EST until 2:41 am EST on the 16th.


November 16, Mercury/Venus flowing, Mars+Sun/Neptune; we have several days of “good” astrology. Aided by the Capricorn Moon trine Jupiter, square Venus.


November 17, precise Mars and Sun trines from Scorpio to Neptune in Pisces. Beautiful abundant blessings from the Capricorn Moon, step into that Earth/Water FLOW.


November 18, precise conjunction of Sun and Mars; extremely strong, empowered Scorpio energy in the last 10 degrees. They continue to walk together into Sagittarius, very strong Scorpio/Taurus chart activation; where is that for you?


November 19, now the Sun/Mars in Scorpio energy is maintaining the trine to Neptune and picking up a sextile to Pluto in Capricorn. Excellent energy that is pressing for change. How can you take the opportunities that present in the Capricorn area of life and merge them with the Pisces depths? Mercury in Sagittarius picking up a trine to Chiron in Aries; great for healing conversations, explorations.


November 20, Moon voids from 5:50 am to 9:29 am EST. Some stressful Aqua Moon aspects and then it shifts into Pisces and conjuncts Saturn. Precise Sun in Scorpio sextile to Pluto in Capricorn, see those potentials and do something practical.


November 21, Sun and Mars receiving those blessings from Pluto and Neptune, beginning to square to Saturn. The answer is work hard; stay inspired, yet logical. Practicality based in reality.


November 22, Sun into Sagittarius, happy solar return dear Sagittarians! Lovely Pisces Moon aspects; once it moves into Aries, it is also blessed. Moon voids from 10:10 am to 12:19 pm EST.


November 23, precise Sun in Sagittarius square to Saturn in Pisces. Mars comes to 29 degrees, the completion degree, and is also involved in this square; be careful, even with the positive Pluto and Neptune vibes in play, they are waning. It’s the Saturn in Pisces energy that will feel the strongest.


November 24, Mars follows the Sun into Sagittarius. Distinct vibe change from the depths of Scorpio to the expansive nature of Sagittarius. Moon voids 12:40 pm to 3:29 pm EST.


November 25, it’s Mars newly in Sagg’s turn to square Saturn in Pisces; testing testing 1-2-3 on any changes or adjustments you made earlier in the month. Mercury in Sagg begins to pick up some lovely trine energy to the North Node in Aries, sextile to the South Node in Libra, highly karmic, look to 2004, 2005 to see potentials. Taurus Moon touches Jupiter, so some big feels, don’t overindulge.


November 26, Mercury in Sagittarius begins to square Neptune in Pisces; it’s easy to get confused, try to maintain clarity and watch your words. Moon voids from 4:52 pm to 7:40 pm EST; the Moon takes a huge journey, aspecting most of the outer planets from the Taurus and Gemini houses. Keep your emotions steady.


November 27, this month’s Full Moon at 4° 51’ of Gemini at 4:16 am EST; at the same time the ruler of this Moon (Mercury) in Sagittarius is going to square Neptune in Pisces. Make sure whatever you are letting go of is well-planned; not sudden or rash.


November 28, Moon voids from 8:03 pm to 1:54 am EST on the 29th. Gemini Moon stands across from Mercury and squares Neptune, be cautious. Venus in Libra comes within two degrees of touching the South Node in Libra, opposing North Node in Aries; do your values align with your partners’ values? Money and love challenged.


November 29, exact Venus/South Node in Libra connection, Venus opposite the North Node in Aries. This will remove some type of relationship dynamic or value. Let it go … let THEM go …


November 30, Venus in Libra begins to move into a square with Pluto in Capricorn; next few days, beware of power struggles, relationship dynamics that are painful or unsustainable. Mercury in Sagittarius begins to move into a blessing beam with Saturn in Pisces, great for inspired ideas and spiritual learning.