Nuit Astrology

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Planetary Energy Forecast November 2022

PEF November 2022

Be sure to watch the YouTube video connected with this reading for more detail and for the tarot spread that accompanies the reading. It’s a big month; be ready!

November 1, we start the month off in a tense spot. Moon in Aquarius comes together with Saturn, and squares the Nodes, the Sun and Venus in Scorpio and Uranus in Taurus. The square between Saturn and Uranus begins to dissipate, as Uranus Rx goes to 17 degrees, but they are still in the engagement range. And don’t forget we are in between eclipses!

November 2-3, positive energy flow as the Moon trines Mars in Gemini, slips into Pisces and then trines over to Mercury in Libra, the Sun and Venus in Scorpio and it sextiles Uranus in Taurus. Watch the Venus in Scorpio, she conjuncts the South Node, opposes the North Node for the next several days before hitting the Uranus opposition on Saturday.

November 4, the Moon meets Neptune in Pisces, squares to Mars in Gemini, sextiles Pluto in Capricorn and hits Jupiter before moving into Aries in the evening. The Sun and Mercury stay in a conjunction in Scorpio until November 15.

November 5, Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus and we have a stellium in Scorpio — Mercury, Sun, South Node, Venus. Opposite the North Node, wide to the Uranus but moving in that direction. Moon in Aries also connects with Chiron. Add onto that Saturn in Aqua begins to square Venus in Scorpio by two degrees; it’s precise Monday but in play all weekend and at least through mid week next week.

November 6, Black Moon Lilith opposes Pluto; Saturn squaring both Venus and Uranus, which are across the sky from each other. Aries Moon squares over to Pluto in Capricorn.

November 7, precise Venus in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius, still engaged with the square in Uranus. Mercury in Scorpio still tangled up close to the South Node and across from the North Node. Uranus goes to 16 degrees of Taurus for those of you with Taurus placements keeping an eye on this Rx. November 7-8 trine from Chiron in Aries to Hygiea in Sagittarius. Healing energy!

November 8, Election Day USA. I would exercise extreme caution. It is a lunar eclipse at 16 degrees of Taurus; this Moon opposes Mercury in Scorpio, conjuncts Uranus, squares Saturn in Aquarius, opposes Venus in Scorpio, textiles Neptune in Pisces. Mercury in Scorpio is combust and then cazimi as it comes together and merges with the Sun, whilst it opposes Uranus. It’s gonna be a hot mess. There is no really good way to manage this astrology other than to hunker down and expect the unexpected and mass confusion.

November 9, still in the push pull of the Sun and Mercury in Scorpio opposite Uranus. Taurus Moon will trine over to Pluto in Capricorn and then send a sextile to Jupiter in Pisces. But still, the fallout of the previous day will be felt.

November 9-10-11, Mercury and the Sun square Saturn in Aquarius for the next couple days. Venus in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces. Moon in Gemini touches Mars, both square to Neptune in Pisces. Mars stays in this square through the end of the month (it’s exact on the 18th). Moon squares Jupiter the evening of the 11th.

November 12, Mercury and Sun in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces for the next couple days. Venus in Scorpio begins to sextile to Pluto in Capricorn.

November 13, big triangle of goodness, Moon + Lilith in Cancer over to S. Node, Mercury, Sun Venus in Scorpio and down to Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces.

November 14, Mercury in Scorpio sextile to Pluto in Capricorn; spark of an idea. Sun in Scorpio precise trine to Neptune in Pisces, inspiration.

November 15, Venus in the late degrees of Scorpio trine to Jupiter in Pisces; Moon in Leo squares the Nodes and Uranus in Taurus; and then it is opposite Saturn in Aquarius.

November 16, Venus moves into Sagittarius, huge vibe change, she comes out of the underworld. Mercury catches up to her, as it moves away from the Sun (finally!). Big aspect day that you will begin to feel on the 15th.  Virgo Moon sextile Mars in Gemini; squares Venus, Mercury, Sun. Mercury trines Jupiter in Pisces.

November 17, Mercury moves into Sagittarius, right there with Venus. They will stay together (or within 2-3 degrees) through the end of the month.

November 18, Virgo Moon trine to Uranus in Taurus and Pluto; opposite Neptune, square to Pluto. Scorpio Sun sextile to Pluto in Capricorn.

November 19, Mars in Gemini square Neptune exact; Moon in Virgo sextiles the Sun in Scorpio, opposes Jupiter in Pisces and then moves into Libra where it sends blessing beams to Mercury and Venus both in Sagg.

November 20, Libra Moon trine Saturn in Aquarius and Mars in Gemini; Sun finishing up in Scorpio, trines to Jupiter in Pisces.

November 21, precise conjunction of Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius.

November 22, Sun into Sagittarius; happy solar return my Sagg friends! Moon in Scorpio conjuncts the South Node; opposes the North Node and then Uranus in Taurus, squares to Saturn in Aqua.

November 23, New Moon at 1 degree of Sagittarius at 5:57 pm EST. Just minutes later at 6:02 pm Jupiter (the ruler of Sagittarius) stations Direct. Big blessing Moon, as it wraps in Scorpio it sends a trine to Neptune in Pisces, a sextile to Pluto in Capricorn AND trines Jupiter.

November 24, Moon in Sagittarius conjuncts both Venus and Mercury. Don’t forget that chatty Mars in Gemini is still square to Neptune in foggy emotional Pisces. Nice Moon sextile to Saturn in Aquarius.

November 25, Sagg Moon opposite Mars in Gemini; square to Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces.

November 26, Capricorn Moon trine to Uranus in Taurus.

November 27, Moon in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces; conjuncts Pluto; textiles Jupiter in Pisces. Good day to find inspiration to change.

November 28, precise Mars in Gemini trine to Saturn in Aqua; they stay in this trine through the end of the month and into December. Mars is still across from Mercury in Sagittarius and in the square to Neptune in Pisces. Aqua Moon sextiles the Sun, Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius.

November 29, Aqua Moon trine Mars in Gemini; conjuncts Saturn in Aquarius. Mercury opposes Mars in Gemini and sextiles Saturn.

November 30, Moon in Pisces squares the Sun in Sagittarius; sextiles Uranus in Taurus. Venus and Mercury very close together at 18 and 20 Sagittarius oppose Mars at 19 Gemini as they sextile down to Saturn in Aquarius.