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Mercury Retrograde this Fall and Your Love Life

Aries: You thought that new person just wasn’t going to work out and then bam … they’re back. Lots to discuss about how to integrate positive partnership into your life. Do you have time for this? Do you want to make space in your life for this person? Will they give you the space you need in order to not feel stifled or tied down? You’ll know the answer by mid-October.

Taurus: It’s like every past-life shadow person has been flickering through your mind and through your heart. You have been trying to re-ground and focus on work and getting your health routines in order. Something might scramble your schedule that needs to be reconsidered. Ask yourself between now and mid-October, am I having fun? If this relationship working for me on the daily? If not, it’s time to move on to something new.

Gemini: Pursuit of pleasure or taking risks is the theme, but it is possible that you’re going over the top to get it. With your star going retrograde on the boundary between home and creative projects, something involving children might be causing issues with your relationship. It’s time to figure out how to make your own emotional well-being and joy as important as your partner’s.

Cancer: You’ve been trying to be as patient as possible as your lover goes through some dramatic shifts and changes. It’s important to hone your communication skills, as well as stabilize your home life. What makes you feel safe? is a question you alone can answer. Family dynamics might also need some extra attention; don’t give in on your non-negotiable just to keep the peace.

Leo: Relationship matters feel very serious right now. So the need to focus on resources as well as your communication skills might feel like a lot of work. Make sure to value your time and energy; there might be something draining one or both. It’s time to set some good boundaries with your lover and have some difficult but necessary conversations.

Virgo: The big question for this retrograde period for you is “Who am I? and “What do I want?” When your ruler retraces its steps it is an important time, but extra important right now because it is so hard to see yourself in the context of your partner clearly. Let the retrograde redefine you and how you value yourself; let go of perfection and see yourself in a new more positive light so that you can attract a high Viking lover and partner.

Libra: It is time to reexamine how your subconscious mind is your strongest asset or your most difficult enemy. Look to the mirror of your love relationships to show you the way. Remember that the most sacred knowledge is to understand yourself. You may find yourself wondering if your lover really knows who you are.

Scorpio: Relationships are highlighted right now, and this Mercury retrograde season highlights your friendships, aspirations and your deep subconscious. Be very aware how other people’s energy affects you at your deepest level, and realize that groups of people you identify with can be bringers of big karma.

Sagittarius: There might be someone at work you’ve had your eyes on, and this retrograde period will bring another opportunity; be very careful about any short-term or unplanned office romance, it might not go the way you think it will. Ask yourself “is this person my destiny and will they help me to fulfill my dreams?”

Capricorn: This retrograde period asks you to examine whether you feel totally supported by your spouse or lover as far as what you are trying to accomplish in life. Is your closest relationship propelling you further along the career path? Or are they hindering your growth?

Aquarius: Matters related to whether you are finding sexual fulfillment in your relationship and if they are helping you to broaden your mind and world will be repeated during this transit. Yes, your lover is beautiful and fun; but are they interesting, smart and blowing your mind?

Pisces: A relationship that you thought was over and done might come back into the picture with this transit. Ask yourself; are you being too hard on them? Or could this partnership really become something that could help you to create a more sacred fulfilling sexual, financial and spiritual partnership?