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The True Lord’s Prayer

For my seminary studies I have been learning about various religions. Being raised as a Christian, I was shocked at how very little I knew about it. From learning about Jesus’ teachings, to understanding how the cult of Christianity formed and spread, it was fascinating to me.

I emerged from the many weeks of reading about Judaism, Taoism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, etc. with a new-found respect for how humans have always searched to explain and relate to that all-powerful force that we each experience in ways that words can scarcely wrap around.

One of the relevations for me was hearing the original, unedited or adulterated transcription from the Aramaic of the Lord’ Prayer.

Interestingly enough, Edgar Cayce in his readings said that the Lord’s Prayer actually was an energy-based prayer, that activated the energy body (chakric system).

Here is it; I hope you find it as meaningful as I have.

The Lord’s Prayer – Direct Translation Aramaic to English

Oh Thou, the Breath, The Light of All

Let this Light create a Heartshine within, and your Counsel rule till Oneness guides All.

Your own Desire then Acts with Ours, as in All Light so in All Forms.

Grant what We need each Day in Bread and Insight.

Loose the cords of mistakes binding Us as We release the strands We hold of others faults; don’t let surface things delude Us.

But keep Us from unripe acts; to You belongs the Ruling Mind; the Life that can Act and Do.

The Song that beautifies All; from Age to Age it renews;

In Faith, I will be True.