April 2022 Planetary Energy Forecast

April 2022 Planetary Energy Forecast — This accompanies the YouTube video for April. It’s a busy month. Buckle up, babies.

This month begins with a bang; April 1 New Moon at 11 degrees of Aries at 2:24 am on EST. This Moon also sextiles both Mars and Saturn which are getting ready to conjunct. Very powerful. The Sun is also conjunct Chiron, and on the 2nd there will be a stellium with Sun at 13 degrees Aries and Chiron and Mercury at 12 degrees Aries.

The whole first half of the month the Nodes are trine and sextile Jupiter and Neptune. Jupiter and Neptune travel close all month, with their exact conjunction on the 12th. They have not conjuncted in the sign of Pisces since 1856. Watch all month and into the next for flooding or weather-related events, as well as the energy of cultish behavior and extremes. Could be a very spiritual time; often times of crisis force us to embrace religion or attempt to understand cosmic events and larger cycles.

From April 10 to June 17 the Nodes stay at 22 degrees; that’s very unusual. Check your chart for sensitive points at 22 degrees.

This could also bring an increased desire to blot it all out with drugs, alcohol, or other substances. It could cause a big dust-up in media or a scandal. Not all will be what it appears on the surface. Protect your mind and stay grounded.

April 3, Saturn precise square to the Nodes at 22 degrees. Karmic turning of the wheel between the Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio sectors of your chart. Saturn is pressuring and testing. What needs to be torn down, rebuilt, reconfigured? I would expect some type of hit to the financial systems.

On the heels of that Saturn activation on April 4, Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius. Moon in Taurus hits Uranus on the 3rd and then on the 4th squares Mars, Saturn and Venus in Aqua as it also sextiles Jupiter in Pisces and trines Pluto in Capricorn. A battle between these areas of your chart.

Mercury sextile Saturn and then Mars on the 7th and 8th. On the 9th, Jupiter gets to 23 degrees of Pisces setting up for a grand trine on the 9th from Moon at 23 Cancer to Neptune and Jupiter at 23 Pisces to the South Node in 23 Scorpio. Triangle of blessings in your chart. What areas? There will be good flow and inspiration, don’t waste this bit of goodness.

Beginning on April 4 Jupiter approaches the conjunction with Neptune and is within one degree. It is precise by degree and minute on Tuesday, April 12 at 10:42 am. This is a one and done energy, Jupiter will not retrograde over this point, so I would expect a large release of energy on or around this date.

April 10 as Mercury reaches the late degrees of Aries it squares Pluto and then moves into the sign of Taurus. On the 13th Jupiter and Neptune move together to 24 degrees of Pisces.

April 11 very sketch; huge square in the sky with the Moon, the Nodes and Saturn.

The 14th at 11:06 pm Mars joins the Pisces party. Mars doesn’t particularly thrive here. The “warrior under water.” Be a spiritual warrior. High vibe Pisces.

Full Moon on Saturday the 16th at 26 degrees of Libra at 2:55 pm, trining Saturn and then squaring Pluto. April 17, sweet beam from Mercury in Taurus to Venus in Aqua. A sense of completion, ending with a new beginning in sight.

The 18th Mercury hits Uranus, Venus sextile Uranus, Sun at late degrees of Aries Square Saturn. Lots of energy related to money, resources. On the 19th Sun into Taurus.

April 22 a good day to facilitate change, Moon sextile Venus, Neptune, Jupiter and trine Mercury; conjuncts Pluto. You are guided by deep inner forces. Sunday the 24th is more tense. Mercury square Saturn with a nice sextile to Neptune. Moon square Uranus, conjunct Saturn.

On the 25th we have a stellium – Jupiter at 26, Neptune at 24, Venus at 22 with a trine and sextile to the Nodes at 22. Cosmic, karmic day. Where is it in your chart?

The last few days of the month are huge.

So many aspects on the 27th all conjunctions or sextiles. So a huge wave of energy, should be beneficial. Mercury super active with blessing beams from Jupiter and the Moon. Big idea day! Pisces Moon touching Venus,  Neptune, and Jupiter. Venus conjunct Neptune exact at 3:12 pm. Moon conjunct Chiron the 28th as Mercury in the last degrees of Taurus flows with Pluto.

The 29th Pluto stations Rx, “a branding iron” at 2:38 pm at 28 degrees of Capricorn. Observe the symbols and remember Pluto at the end of Capricorn will have a “push to completion.” Mercury moves into Gemini, which it loves. Lightens up the mind, makes people more social.

We enter eclipse season. Remember they come in pairs. The 30th is a huge Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees of Taurus. This Moon sending blessings beams to Mars in Pisces as Venus meets Jupiter at 27 degrees of Pisces, but eclipses are not time for initiation. More about management of the energy.

All month, but particularly now, expect financial bumps, interruptions with resources. Possible weather events.

Jill Loftis

Jill Loftis is an astrologer, mystic, yogi and mom. She came to study and learn astrology as a student of the Kriya lineage through the teachings of Goswami Kriyananda.

In addition to practicing astrology and teaching yoga, she offers spiritual guidance sessions and mentoring, tarot readings and she leads workshops and trainings on meditation, breathwork, and life transformation.

She splits her time between her home in Portugal and Southwestern Virginia with her husband. She enjoys international travel, gardening, good food, and chicken watching.


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