New Moon Capricorn 1/2/22

This is an excerpt of the New Moon Nuit Newsletter that I sent out for this month’s New Moon. If you are interested in receiving the full newsletter, please subscribe.

This New Moon occurs at 12° of the sign of Capricorn on Sunday, January 2 at 1:33 pm EDST. I consider this to be the best day to ritualize your new year — unless you prefer to wait for the astrological New Year on March 20, the Spring Equinox.

The Capricorn area of your chart has been lighting up for years now, with Pluto having gone into that sign in 2008. Think of your growth since then!

Capricorn is also where Venus is currently retrograding, and has been activated by touching Pluto. This dance continues and on Monday the 3rd of January the Moon activates Neptune in a blessing beam called a sextile; and then touches Venus, Pluto and Mercury. Whew!

This is a great energy to set some audacious goals that require hard work and discipline. It is a week to take some actions and initiate your manifesting powers through action!

This year is a huge year; you knew that, right? Please check out both my YouTube channel and my blog for lots of information about 2022. 

Capricorn New Moon Practices 

Ritualize the New Year. Complete your Maha Tarka. Go for an ambitious walk. Create a list of goals that are achievable by the Full Moon on January 17. Deal with your Daddy issues. Gather your tax paperwork. Set up a new budget. Get some Vitamin D. Give yourself an oil massage (abhyanga). Back up your technology (Mercury Rx is coming). Take responsibility. Invite your boss (or employees) to lunch. Take up weight training. Commit to working smarter, not just harder.


Journaling Questions New Moon in Capricorn

  1. What large organizations and structures do you rely upon on a daily basis?

  2. How are they changing and how can you better prepare for life without them should they destabilize even further?

  3. Are you taking personal responsibility for where you are in your life?

  4. Who calls the shots and makes the decisions in your daily life?

  5. Are you fulfilling your soul purpose?

  6. Are you working a job, or have you found a career?

  7. How do you get along with bosses and authority figures?

  8. How is your relationship with your father?

  9. If you are a “father figure” to a child, are you taking responsibility for that position in the child’s life?


Please do check out the YouTube channel, subscribe and share with your friends. I’ve got a video up on a day at my house, preparing a new garden bed; would love your feedback on such content. 

Wishing you the absolute best for the year 2022 and beyond,

Shanti (peace),


Jill Loftis

Jill Loftis is an astrologer, mystic, yogi and mom. She came to study and learn astrology as a student of the Kriya lineage through the teachings of Goswami Kriyananda.

In addition to practicing astrology and teaching yoga, she offers spiritual guidance sessions and mentoring, tarot readings and she leads workshops and trainings on meditation, breathwork, and life transformation.

She splits her time between her home in Portugal and Southwestern Virginia with her husband. She enjoys international travel, gardening, good food, and chicken watching.

Advice I’m Giving Myself for 2022


Extended 2022 Astrology Forecast