PEF Week of 9/4/22

Sunday September 4, Moon in Sagg sextile Saturn in Aqua, square Neptune in Pisces and trine Venus in the last degrees of Leo. Be careful that your desire to move forward doesn’t cause you to ignore the red flags.

Monday September 5, Venus vibe change, she moves into Virgo; Moon shifts into Capricorn and squares Jupiter in Aries and Mercury in Libra, partnerships and your individuality come into sharp focus. The Moon trines the Sun in Virgo, so apply your Virgo vision.

Tuesday September 6, Moon in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus, sextile Neptune in Pisces, conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. Outer planet day, see how it connects to the upcoming Full Moon in Pisces that also amplifies these three big-picture energies.

Wednesday September 7, Moon in Aqua sextile Jupiter in Aries, trine Mercury in Libra and Mars in Gemini. Harmonize those areas of life.

Thursday September 8, Aqua Moon square Uranus in Taurus, conjunct Saturn and then void of course at 8:34 am EST, doesn’t go into Pisces until 12:42 am EST on Friday the 9th. Watch for a reality check, immediately followed by a loss of traction.

Friday September 9, Moon in Pisces opposes Venus in Virgo, squares Mars in Gemini. Big feels and big words. Be very cautious with communication, because in addition to this challenge in the Mercury ruled signs of Virgo and Gemini, Mercury will Rx at 11:38 pm at 8 degrees of Libra. Mercury went into shadow August 20 and will be Rx until it stations Direct at 24 degrees of Virgo on October 2. Doesn’t get back to the degree it started to Rx until October 16. This is a good day to take note of the symbols to see what you will be challenged to re-think, re-do and re-examine in the Libra area of life.

Saturday September 10, Deeply inspired Full Moon at 5:59 am at 17 degrees of Pisces. Deeply inspired Full Moon that sextiles Uranus, conjuncts Neptune and sextiles Pluto. Outer planet magic yet again. This is a good Full Moon so do something with this energy! True Node goes to 14 degrees, out of the three-degree range of Uranus, as Uranus moves further back into the square with Saturn.

September 11. Lucky! Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus; Aries Moon conjunct Jupiter, so some really big emotions, careful not to be too rash; it opposes Mercury in Libra, sextile Mars in Gemini, a lot of conversation and talking, but emotions could override any sensible or balanced thoughts.


Aries Jupiter in your sign begins the week with a challenge from the Moon in Capricorn, so remember that life’s delays are not life’s denials and to choose the glass half full outlook. Mars in Gemini and Mercury in Libra have a trine energy, but it doesn’t perfect, see how you can harmonize the Gemini and Libra sections of your life. The Full Moon in Pisces is in your woo-woo 12th house, it is an excellent Moon for letting go of old subconscious patterns that have been holding you back. A good Moon to realize that your only obstacle is you.

Taurus Your star, Venus, moves into Virgo, which can be challenging. It’s not her favorite look. You still have the North Node in your sign, as well as Uranus, bringing big karmic changes that will liberate you as much as they shock you. For Taurus Rising this Full Moon in Pisces lands in your 11th house and is about letting go of old aspirations or people you associate with who are no longer relevant on your personal journey.

Gemini Mars is moving through your sign, as your ruler Mercury stations Rx in the sign of Libra. Your mind could be very active and also vacillating a lot. Pay attention to what lessons might arise that relate to fifth house energy – creative projects, children, luck & love. Those experiences will need to be reconsidered and tested. Monday could be challenging with the Moon in Capricorn squaring Mercury in Libra. The Full Moon lands in your career house, so huge focus on what needs to end in order for you to fulfill your soul mission.

Cancer Big Moon energy this week, especially related to the outer planets, which always influences you the most. Important to harmonize the Uranus/Neptune/Pluto ie Taurus, Pisces and Capricorn areas of life, as well as honor the Full Moon in Pisces on the 10th. This Full Moon falls in your 9th house of expansion and travel. Let this energy remove anything that keeps you from teaching, learning or traveling.

Leo Venus leaves your sign and with the Sun in Virgo, you might be feeling a little critical or like you’ve lost the spotlight. The 6th through the 8th the Sun trines the North Node, a very positive flow to your star, so apply that Virgo energy to managing your resources and finances. The Full Moon is in your magical 8th house, so be sure to set aside some time to meditate and connect to your guides for a download of information on how to move forward.

Virgo Big energy on you with the Sun & Venus in your sign. Mercury stations Rx in Libra, always important for you, you may find yourself a little more collaborative or careful with your words. The Full Moon takes place in your 7th house of partnership, so gather the forces of the outer planets in order to remove anything that keeps you from healthy relationships and positive partnerships.

Libra Your star moves into Virgo and Mercury stations Rx in your sign, so you may find yourself begin a little more focused on getting clear on what you want. The Full Moon in Pisces lands in your house of daily life and health. It’s an excellent Full Moon for clearing out negative daily habits and cutting the cord on unfulfilling time wasters in your day.

Scorpio The South Node is still traversing your sign, requiring lessons on how to express positive, high-vibe Scorpio energy. Big water Full Moon in Pisces on the 10th in your Fifth House of pleasure, joy and creativity. Wrap up old projects or things that you used to enjoy to make way for new levels of fun and creative expression.

Sagittarius Moon in your sign on Sunday the 4th squaring Neptune, which would indicate being cautious, not going to excess. Jupiter is still moving back through the sign of Aries, retracing its steps and re-examining how you want to have fun, enjoy life, and adventure. The Full Moon in Pisces lands in your 4th house of emotional home, excellent lineage healing energy available to you on this day.

Capricorn The Moon in Capricorn is very active the 5th and 6th, so bigger emotions than you might be used to experiencing, be aware of outer planet magic in play on the 6th and also for the Full Moon on the 10th. Full Moon in your third house of communication and expression, so you might want to make space to talk about how you are feeling.

Aquarius Saturn and Uranus very active this week, both important for you. Intuition might not be your normal go-to for decisions or choices, but feelings play an important role this week. The Moon in your sign on the 7th flow beautifully with positive action but any wrong turns will become evident on the 8th. The Full Moon in Pisces lands in your second house of money and values, be sure to acknowledge any leaks of energy or finances that Saturn has pointed out, and release anything that keeps you from valuing yourself.

Pisces Start the week with the caution flag up, Moon in Sagittarius squares Neptune in your sign and then squares Jupiter on Monday. No excess those couple days, especially when it comes to career matters. Big Full Moon in your sign on the 10th at 17 degrees. Beautifully aspected by the outer planets, note the lessons this week that are related to Taurus, Capricorn and Pisces areas of life. At the Full Moon ritualize letting them go so you can harmonize those areas of life. This is a great Moon to renew optimism in yourself by letting go of blockages, illusions and fears.

Jill Loftis

Jill Loftis is an astrologer, mystic, yogi and mom. She came to study and learn astrology as a student of the Kriya lineage through the branch of Goswami Kriyananda and The Temple of Kriya Yoga.

In addition to practicing astrology and teaching yoga, she offers spiritual counseling services, tarot readings and leads workshops and trainings on meditation, breathwork, and life transformation.

She lives in Southwestern Virginia with her husband and enjoys international travel, gardening, good food, and chicken watching.

A Class on Uranus, the Great Awakener


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