Nuit Astrology

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PEF Week of December 18, 2023

December 18, Mercury in Capricorn trine to Jupiter in Taurus exact; look for the bit of luck flowing your way from Taurus to Capricorn areas of life. Pisces Moon very active, monitor your internal responses and intuition.


December 19, Venus in Scorpio begins to step into the opposition with Uranus in Taurus as Uranus moves backwards to it’s station degree of 19. Balance desire and reality; magic and truth; the real world and the spirit world.


December 20, Aries Moon squares to Mercury in Capricorn; careful, this clash between head and emotions could be very rash and immature. Vibe high, respect the rules.


December 21, Sun into Capricorn, Blessed Winter Solstice to you; occurs at 10:27 pm EST; Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter in Taurus begin a wide sextile which is beautifully beneficial. Scorpy Venus opposite Uranus in Taurus perfects which can bring sudden events or issues with money and resources; and maybe, love! Mercury in Cap sending sextile vibes to Saturn in Pisces, excellent for locking in high-minded ideas.


December 22, Mars in Sagittarius begins to pick up blessing energy to the Nodes of the Moon, karmic positivity from Sagittarius area of life to Aries & Libra. Mercury backs up into a conjunction with the Sun in Capricorn; watch for the combust/cazimi dance; both are blessed by Saturn in Pisces. Taurus Moon beautifully aspected, listen to your body today.


December 23, Mercury backs up into Sagittarius, reviewing the period of very late November and early December.


December 24, Sagg Sun precise sextile to Saturn in Pisces, lovely spiritual and philosophical energy. Venus in Scorpio finally escapes the tractor beam of the Uranus in Taurus opposition. Moon voids from 1:40 am to 3:15 am EST, be careful Santa. Gemini Moon squares to Saturn in Pisces early that morning EST, watch for cranky kids (and cranky adults) in the morning, schedule things for the afternoon when the vibe smooths out.