Nuit Astrology

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Most Down-To-Earth Zodiac Signs

I think of a down-to-earth personality as being grounded; steady; reliable. Someone who tends to be more calm and not over-reactive. A personality that understandings reality i.e. living on the Earth. These are people who don’t get swept up by emotions or thoughts. They relate more to the body and the practical realities of life.

Some signs are significantly more grounded due to the fact that they are not and mental. Air signs in particular (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) have difficulty being down to Earth because they live in their heads in many ways. Water signs also can struggle (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) because they tend to live in their emotional bodies.

The three Earth signs are the most “down to Earth.”

  1. Taurus. The Bull — the original Earth Mamma/Pappa. Stable, grounded, enduring.

  2. Virgo. The Virgin meaning “whole unto themselves” healer/helpers of the Zodiac. Loyal, helpful, practical.

  3. Capricorn. The stable Seagoat. Hardworking, direct, realistic.