Nuit Astrology

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PEF Week of 12/12/22

PEF 12/12/22

December 12, Sun in Sagg sextile Saturn in Aquarius gives some sticking power to actions that create wisdom and understanding; Moon in Leo sextile Mars, in Gemini, squares Uranus in Taurus. Ideas arise, but practicality matters. Mercury shadow zone begins!

December 13, Leo Moon opposes Saturn in Aqua; trines the Sun in Sagg. Look on the bright side, cultivate your gratitude attitude.

December 14, Sun in Sagg square Neptune in Pisces brings a reality check; Virgo Moon trine Venus in Capricorn likes a cost-benefit analysis. Chiron in Aries squares Mercury in Capricorn; watch for mental health difficulties.

December 15, Virgo Moon equally blessed and cursed; trines Mercury in Cap, Uranus in Taurus; squares Mars in Gemini. Watch your critical edge, and be more cautious when speaking or writing; good for intuitive management of resources.

December 16, Virgo Moon opposes Neptune in Pisces; squares Sun in Sagittarius; trines Pluto in Capricorn; opposes Jupiter at the end of Pisces. That is a lot to manage; stay grounded and detached emotionally in order to make wise choices.

December 17, Mercury in Capricorn trines to Uranus in Taurus; good creative solution day. Moon in Libra squares Venus and Mercury in Capricorn; trines the Mars in Gemini. Better to listen to your rational mind, your emotions might be triggered. From 12/17 through the end of the year Mars in Gemini sending a nice sextile to Chiron in Aries; great for therapy, healing conversations, activities that heal the mind/body connection.

December 18. Hanukkah begins at sundown; Libra Moon trine Saturn in Aquarius; sextiles the Sun in Sagittarius; squares Pluto in Capricorn. Peace is possible, but the power structure won’t like the deal.