Nuit Astrology

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PEF Week of July 15, 2024  

July 15             Mars conjuncts Uranus at 26 degrees Taurus; volatile, explosive. Exact Sun/Chiron square; people could be lashing out or acting from their “wounds.” Slow down, be adaptable and don’t be overly reactive.


July 16             Mercury enters the Retrograde Zone (pre-retrograde shadow) at 21° Leo 25′; brief Moon void 9:10 pm EST to 9:25 pm EST; Scorpio and Sagittarius Moon highly active, stay emotionally steady, feelings will be maxed out.


July 17             Uranus/Mars still close in Taurus; both sextile to the Sun in Cancer.


July 18             Trine Mercury in Leo to Chiron in Aries, very healing; Mars in Taurus still within two degrees of Uranus, begins to trine to Pluto in Aquarius, ushering in positive change energy. Sun in Cancer sextile to Uranus in Taurus, sparks of luck and synchronicity. Venus in Leo trine to NN and sextile SN through July 21, karmic relationship energy. There is some tension building, but in many ways, this is a really nice astrology day.


July 19             Mars at 29 Taurus trine to Pluto in Aquarius begins to build for the next several days, sextile Neptune in Pisces too, AND also sextile Sun in Cancer through August 7. Time to take action on something. Exact Venus/Nodes trine, another beautiful turning point of the 19-year cycle. Brief Moon void 3:58 am to 4:14 am EST.


July 20             Mars moves into Gemini, major vibe shift to mental energy and activity. Venus in Leo sextile to Jupiter in Gemini, lucky conversations, very social vibe, get out and flirt!


July 21             Full Moon at 6:17 am EST at 29 degrees nine minutes of Capricorn. A good final Full Moon with Pluto (in early Aquarius) showing you what needs to change and what you must release. Mixed bag of aspects -- Mercury in Leo square to Uranus in Taurus, potential mental uncertainty or radical thoughts. Yet there is a beautiful flow between Mars (action), Neptune (inspiration) and Pluto (change), as well as Sun (power), Mars (action), and Neptune (inspiration). Very powerful day.