Nuit Astrology

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December 2023 Planetary Energy Forecast

December 1, Sun in Sagittarius moves away from Mars’ influence so they can function more as individual energies, giving the Sun a little more brightness and less desire to fight. Mercury into Capricorn, immediately begins to pick up a lovely sextile to Saturn in Pisces which can lock in ideas. Venus in Libra begins to move into a square with Pluto, beware power struggles or conflicts of values. Moon in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn which amplifies those issues. Moon void from 8:07 am to 11:00 am EST.


December 2, Leo Moon sends nice energy to Mars and the Sun in Sagittarius, be lion-hearted.


December 3, Exact Venus/Pluto square; watch issues with authority figures, men; a final push for Libra energy to stand up to the “man”. Moon void 9:11 pm to 10:50 pm EST.


December 4, Venus into Scorpio, which adds a different layer of intensity, sexuality and spirituality to Venus. She begins to pick up a trine to Saturn in Pisces which will feel good after being pushed by Pluto. Nice Virgo Moon, Mercury in Capricorn and Jupiter in Taurus Grand Trine, find a bit of luck and momentum between Virgo, Cap and Taurus in your chart on this day.


December 5, Venus/Saturn trine exact, depth perception meets reality in a lovely flow. Watch Neptune preparing to Station which can add some mysterious illusory energy, so mild caution but I would say these are several days of really nice astrology.


December 6, Neptune Stations Direct at 24 Pisces; what are the symbols for you in that area of life? Sagittarius Sun trine to Chiron in Aries which brings abundant energy towards healing. Think philosophically, broad-mindedly. Moon void from 8:50 am to 11:35 am EST.


December 7, precise Mercury in Cap trine to Jupiter in Taurus until December 15, this can bring some practical ideas in additional to lovely dash of optimism. Venus is still sending nice vibes to Saturn, this could really lock in some relationships, give you a desire to make something permanent or take an emotional risk.


December 8, Libra Moon conjunct the South Node in Libra/oppose NN in Aries. Big relationship feels. Moon void 8:05 pm to 10:35 pm EST. Venus in Scorpio moving into the opposition with Jupiter in Taurus, watch for excess or overspending; don’t get lost in intrigue. Stay grounded.


December 9, exact Venus in Scorpio opposition with Jupiter in Taurus late this evening, prior day cautions strongly in play -- also, the Moon is in Scorpio so big feelz!


December 10, big emotional day with Scorpio Moon opposite Uranus in Taurus but trining to Neptune in Pisces, along with the positive Sun/Chiron and Mercury/Jupiter aspects. Still keeping an eye on the Jupiter opposite Venus, don’t overspend!


December 11, sexy sextile from Mercury in Capricorn to Venus in Scorpio. Moon void from 3:57 am to 6:11 am EST and it squares Saturn as it moves into Sagittarius. Reality check.


December 12, New Moon at 20° 40’ of Sagittarius at 6:32 pm EST; super powerful because it will also be touching Mars. Where is the Sagittarius area of your life? You will be well-suited to take advantage of this Moon to seed your intentions, but be very clear and not too idealistic. Mercury will station Retrograde mere hours after this New Moon and this Moon is also square to Neptune.


December 13, Mercury Stations Rx at 8 degrees of Capricorn; it will go all the way back to 22 degrees of Sagittarius, you will need to repair, rethink or redo something in those degrees of both signs. Moon voids from 1:48 am to 10:31 am EST. Good aspects still holding sway, take advantage of the good energy.


December 14, Sun in Sagittarius begins to square to Neptune in Pisces, bringing in some confusion or illusion – but yet, it also picks up a trine to the North Node in Aries and a sextile to the South Node in Libra highlighting positive individuation as well as affirming positive partnerships. Mars in Sagittarius begins to flow with a trine energy to Chiron in Aries, take initiative to heal the hurts. Beautiful Aries energy to help you to express your independence and healthy partnerships.


December 15, Mars/Chiron trine perfects, add fire energy to your healing journey; Sun/Neptune square builds, creating a difficult energy to see things clearly. Pontificating energy, philosophical delusions. Mercury backing up through Capricorn returns to a trine to Jupiter in Taurus. What ideas did you miss that came to you around December 7? Don’t miss it this time! Intense Capricorn Moon energy; also note the Moon void from 11:04 am to 12:56 pm EST. The Nodes flip to 22 degrees.


December 16, precise Sun in Sagg square to Neptune in Pisces, in play for the next two days. Confusion reigns, try not to make rash decisions. Aqua Moon also hits some difficult energy, but is blessed by Mars in Sagittarius.


December 17, Aqua Moon void from 7:04 am to 2:58 pm EST; focus on the spiritual so that when it changes into Pisces and immediately hits Saturn the internal wake-up call can be understood. Mercury still flowing with Jupiter, there are ways to solve this problem!


December 18, Mercury in Capricorn trine to Jupiter in Taurus exact; look for the bit of luck flowing your way from Taurus to Capricorn areas of life. Pisces Moon very active, monitor your internal responses and intuition.


December 19, Venus in Scorpio begins to step into the opposition with Uranus in Taurus as Uranus moves backwards to it’s station degree of 19. Balance desire and reality; magic and truth; the real world and the spirit world.


December 20, Aries Moon squares to Mercury in Capricorn; careful, this clash between head and emotions could be very rash and immature. Vibe high, respect the rules.


December 21, Sun into Capricorn, Blessed Winter Solstice to you; occurs at 10:27 pm EST; Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter in Taurus begin a wide sextile which is beautifully beneficial. Scorpy Venus opposite Uranus in Taurus perfects which can bring sudden events or issues with money and resources; and maybe, love! Mercury in Cap sending sextile vibes to Saturn in Pisces, excellent for locking in high-minded ideas.


December 22, Mars in Sagittarius begins to pick up blessing energy to the Nodes of the Moon, karmic positivity from Sagittarius area of life to Aries & Libra. Mercury backs up into a conjunction with the Sun in Capricorn; watch for the combust/cazimi dance; both are blessed by Saturn in Pisces. Taurus Moon beautifully aspected, listen to your body today.


December 23, Mercury backs up into Sagittarius, reviewing the period of very late November and early December.


December 24, Sagg Sun precise sextile to Saturn in Pisces, lovely spiritual and philosophical energy. Venus in Scorpio finally escapes the tractor beam of the Uranus in Taurus opposition. Moon voids from 1:40 am to 3:15 am EST, be careful Santa. Gemini Moon squares to Saturn in Pisces early that morning EST, watch for cranky kids (and cranky adults) in the morning, schedule things for the afternoon when the vibe smooths out.


December 25, Merry Christmas to those who celebrate. Gorgeous Venus in Scorpio trine to Neptune in Pisces, highly spiritual; watch though because Mercury is backing up to return to square Neptune; intuition is the way to go, intellect will feel confusing. Moon in mental Gemini opposite Mars in Sagg, watch for arguments or blurting things out. Sun in Capricorn still picking up positive Saturn in Pisces energy, as well as trine with Jupiter in Taurus; commit to do the work in the Capricorn area of life.


December 26, Full Moon at 4° 58’ Cancer at 7:33 pm. A mixed bag of aspects with this particular Full Moon. Still enjoying good Venus/Neptune; good Sun/Saturn+Jupiter. But when it is still in Gemini, it squares to Neptune in Pisces; it opposes Mercury; it voids from 2:55 am to 10:15 am EST; and then trine to Saturn and sextile to Jupiter. Very watery vibes, add water to your rituals.


December 27, exact Mercury in Sagittarius square to Neptune in Pisces and then Mercury meets up with Mars, so Mars is moving towards that same square. Strong desire to express yourself, could be somewhat rash or bold in communications. Careful; you might not be seeing it clearly. Lean into that precise Sun in Capricorn trine to Jupiter in Taurus for the next couple days in order to stay practical. And also look to the nice sextile forming between Venus in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn, this can help you to work hard to bring something forth that you truly value.


December 28, precise Mars in Sagittarius square to Neptune in Pisces and Mercury right there (conjunct) moving backwards; harsh, confusing, people very much pushing their agendas and beliefs – in play through the end of the month. Moon voids at 5:57 pm until 7:23 pm.


December 29, Venus shifts into Sagittarius and just before she enters she precisely trines to Pluto in Capricorn; excellent energy between Scorpio and Capricorn, but remember she is still clashing with Saturn in Pisces for a healthy reality check. Leo Moon squares to Jupiter in Taurus, watch spending too much on that new dress for NYE.


December 30, Jupiter Stations Direct at 5 degrees of Taurus late 9:40 pm EST; watch for the symbols related to the Taurus area of life, may also relate to the October Full Moon eclipse; Leo Moon clashes with Uranus, but observe the super karmic flow of energy between Mercury in Sagittarius, this Moon and the Nodes. Ideas are important right now.


December 31, the last day of the calendar year; Venus still clashing with Saturn, so play by the rules. Mercury still engaged with the NN and SN, fated interactions. Leo Moon trines to Mars and then voids from 12:18 am until she moves into Virgo that morning at 6:53 am EST. The remainder of the day the Moon in Virgo will want your evening organized. Take extra time to prepare to go out or stay in; you’ll be wanting everything to be just right and with that Venus square you might be feeling over the top emotionally.