Nuit Astrology

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PEF Week of July 11

PEF Week of July 11, 2022


July 10-11-12 – USA Pluto Rx back over the natal Pluto with precision. Watch the symbols.


July 11, Sagg Moon square Neptune in Pisces; delusions on a large scale; stay grounded.


July 12 Moon in Cap trine Mars in Taurus, square Jupiter in Aries. Refine your intentions for tomorrow’s very positive Full Moon.


July 13, Full Moon 21 degrees Cap at 2:38 pm; opposes Mercury, trines Uranus, sextile Neptune and also Gemini Venus trine Saturn and Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus. GREAT Moon.


July 14, Venus in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces; don’t just talk about things. Capricorn Moon conjuncts Pluto, moves into Aqua, squares Mars, sextiles Jupiter. This is a lot of energy.


July 15, Moon in Aqua conjuncts Saturn and squares Uranus in Taurus. All these squares to Taurus energy brings money, the Earth, what you love, what you value, into focus.


July 16, Mercury conjuncts the Sun “cazimi” – empowered or blasted out? Moon trine Venus and sextile Mars; good balance head and heart day.


July 17, Venus changes signs, moves into Cancer; huge energy day. Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces; Cancer Sun trine Neptune; Pisces Moon sextile Uranus, conjunct Neptune, trine Sun. Water central!