Nuit Astrology

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Advice I’m Giving Myself for 2022

As an astrologer, spiritual counselor and yoga teacher, people often seek me out for advice. Goswami Kriyananda always said that your students and clients find you because you’ve solved the problem that they have. It’s a vibrational synchronicity, and an important factor in remembering what it is that they are seeking from you.

I also am a straight up beautifully flawed human being. I realize that knowing what I should do and actually choosing to do it are two different things; for both me, and for my clients. 

I might know that according to yoga’s sister science of Ayurveda that a Winter protocol of warm, properly spiced foods is the best thing for my body and mind. And sometimes choose to eat cold pizza straight from the refrigerator. I might advise a client to create a daily yoga practice; and then have to literally dust off my mat as I roll it out for the first time in a week (errr… or two). 

Choosing to do the right thing, especially for yourself, can be hard.

And then, there’s the global pandemic. The political shitshow that is currently unfolding in the United States. There’s Russia and China and Afghanistan and Global Warming and Climate Change and War and Starvation and Poverty and Addiction. There is suffering -- much of it is completely preventable – and, therefore, even more maddening. 

Most days looking at the whole of the World and trying to fulfill our obligations it feels like trying to give a cat a manicure -- totally impossible and not worth the time or energy. It is so easy to end up overwhelmed, sad, angry, fearful, or even worse – apathetic. 

How do we employ the yogic truths of detachment, peace, and sensitivity? How to navigate such an outer universe and such inner turmoil?

Here is my advice to myself for 2022, understanding the astrology, the reality, and trying to live a life worthy of living.

1.     I’m editing my life. I’m slowing things down. Taking on less responsibility where I am able. Purging objects that require my time and energy. Perhaps check out my video on “Baggage vs. Luggage.” Every single item I own is either a tool that serves a purpose, or it’s weighing down my soul. The mantra is “Simplify.”

2.     Same goes with friendships. I have lots of friends; and I wish I could maintain all of those relationships at a certain level. But, alas, I cannot. There is only so much of my time, and for many years I offered myself just a tiny sliver of that time. It doesn’t mean that I lose those friends, or don’t love them. I’m just more discerning of how I allot my energy. I’ve had to start saying no to meeting everyone for lunch, for tea or for wine. I miss them, but I need the space. And I do plan to have a “People I Miss” party this Summer. For real.

3.     Personal responsibility. Whether it’s food or water or shelter, I’m analyzing how I can be more tribe oriented and I want to make sure I’m being an adult. Who do I know that understands herbal remedies? Who grows what types of food? Who has fruit trees? And how can I learn real skills and abilities that are useful to others? I’m getting more chickens so I can share more eggs. I’m exploring ways to preserve and ferment and garden. No more railing about the environment and then purchasing ten packages of plastic wrapped food. Nope. Personal responsibility. I want to be the change.

4.     Quiet time. I remember putting my kids in their rooms for nap time or “quiet time” and they would rail against it as I would mutter under my breath “I wish someone would send me to MY room for quiet time.” But I need it. I don’t really watch television, but I’ve gotten away from silence. Always listening to a podcast or a YouTube video or the chatter of something or someone. More space to listen to the sounds of the wind, and the voices of the trees. More space to recognize my own inner voice and strengthen my connection to her.

5.     A schedule. One thing I’ve learned from selling my business and not being a frantic crazy person working 50 plus hour weeks is that I can fritter away a day with the best of them. Without deadlines and carpools to meet, I can scroll, putter and waste whole hours of my day. I’m going to be more strictly monitoring my telephone’s usage meter. 

6.     Do the things I feel super called to do. The last few years have shown me that when I really feel a deep urge to do something – whether it’s booking a trip or calling a friend or sending an email – there is a real purpose behind it. Guidance often comes in somewhat benign urges, and it’s important to follow those gravitational pulls. What’s right for me is not going to be right for everyone. I’m not following the crowd; I’m resetting my compass to follow my own North Star. 

7.     Listen to everyone’s point of view. I don’t want to become one of these people that can only handle hearing people who agree with me. Civil discourse has become as rare as a white owl. I want to be that person, listening attentively and offering my opinion, but being willing to change and adapt as wisdom indicates. Of anything I’ve learned in life, it’s that time, place and circumstance require changes in thinking. Don’t taunt the Universe with the phrase “I would never ……” Because circumstances will arise to show you the other side of that story. A story you might not want to experience.

8.     Have more fun. I swear I tell myself this every year, and a big part of it is figuring out what I think is actually fun. This year it’s gardening, cooking, yoga, travel, reading, writing and chicken watching. And lots of time with my sweetheart.

9.     Exercise more. I now have a job where I do a lot of sitting, whether it’s on Zoom calls or analyzing charts or writing or studying. I’m getting older, and it is showing up in my body. Adding in a weight routine to my yoga practice, and doing more hiking and walking. Very important.