Nuit Astrology

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Nuit 2022 Astrology Forecasts for Each Sign

Welcome to your 2022 Sun and Rising Sign Forecasts. It’s a big year of change! Check back over the next couple of weeks, I’ll be posting more written forecasts, as well as YouTube videos of my thoughts on the astrology of 2022. Happy Winter Solstice Everyone!

Aries Sun/Rising

May through October there are blessing beams alighting upon you. High vibe this by taking advantage of opportunity and optimism. Beware overcommitment or bravado. Trust hard work and enterprise. June is busy; be sure to add some physical movement to your routine so you don’t combust. Health and healing are big themes for you this year; talk or movement therapy could be helpful. Subconscious forces are strong; don’t wait until you are struggling to seek help. Self-love and self-esteem will be important areas to support in 2022. Keep a sharp eye on your finances; remember time is money and money is time. There could be high highs and low lows.


Taurus Sun/Rising

Becoming more change adept is your new jam; even though you hate it. Loosen your grip on anything trying to leave your life. Making time to be out in nature is the answer to most of your questions this year. You are reinventing yourself on a grand scale, make sure you love who you are becoming. New people enter your life and change things forever; dream in alignment with your calling and say yes to what’s new and what’s next. Start a breathwork practice to keep your nervous system from overloading. Honor your soul purpose by digging in and working hard.


Gemini Sun/Rising

Things you have only talked about or thought about are beginning to crystalize with work. Believe in the magic, but don’t allow yourself to be tricked or deceived. If you don’t like the story of your life, begin to restructure it from inside of yourself; remember that wishes take work. Stick to things long enough to see them manifest. It’s time for you to let go of the old dreams with old people and build new dreams with new people. Same goes for the people who have broken your heart – bless them and let them go.


Cancer Sun/Rising

Out of the ashes of old relationships and what you wanted from them rises a new vision for your life. It’s time to stride directly forward, instead of the side-to-side dance you normally choose. It’s time to learn a new skill, visit a new place, and see yourself in a new more flattering light. Old career paths are being swept aside in favor of new and more exciting options. Believe in synchronicity and trust the new visions. Expand your social circle, a new soul path may present this Summer and you won’t want to miss out.


Leo Sun/Rising

Your career path expiration date arrived in 2020. If you haven’t wrapped it up and moved on, then it’s time to let go so you can shine. You might feel that you don’t have enough education or know-how right now, but that’s not true. The answers arise from unexpected explorations of esoteric philosophies and sexual experiences. There may be some loss or deaths in your orbit, or maybe someone who arrives out of the blue to back your awesome with funding or other resources. Pay extra attention to your dreams at night and follow your magical intuition. You’ve got the overnight sensation vibes this year, follow the signs.


Virgo Sun/Rising

If you’ve been wishing for the one, this could be the year. Whether that is a business partner who can help you to achieve your goals, or the love of your life, you can’t go it alone this year. Open up your circle; learn to collaborate. Take the course, get the degree, take the trip, visit the places. Sexual healing is helpful; blessing and letting go of old wounds is essential. A good routine would help, and make sure to do all those routine medical checkups that you might have neglected last year. Synchronicities arise from prophets, priests and professors; read, study, learn and grow.


Libra Sun/Rising

Your daily life must become a healing holistic haven. Create a spacious schedule, yet keep yourself on track. It might feel difficult to meet deadlines; time will vanish. You will feel busy and potentially overwhelmed with daily life, so take the time to nurture your body and mind. Meditation and daily communion with the cosmos is essential this year. Insights will abound, and assistance will flow from surprising places. If your relationship isn’t working, you probably already realize it. Start first to mend yourself so that you can come together in fullness with your partner. For some, it will be time for endings and to begin again.


Scorpio Sun/Rising

This is the year to understand your shadow self. When you’re on your game and feeling good, you’re unstoppable. Empowered, smart, savvy, strong. But if you slip into secrets, drama or intrigue, the rabbit hole is slippery and goes deep. You’re asking yourself the hard questions this year. Where should I live? Is it time to have kids? What creative projects and opportunities need my full attention? If you find yourself feeling joy, you’re on the right track. Relationships can change in a New York minute; all you want is someone steady, strong and true. Don’t settle until you find them; the perfect lover or business partner could arrive out of the blue. Believe in the magic.


Sagittarius Sun/Rising

Themes around home and healing are big for you this year. Where is my home? What makes me feel at home? Coming to terms with your childhood; ancient family triggers or patterns. Don’t spend too much time mourning what you’ve let go of and instead turn your attention to expressing yourself. Journaling and talk therapy can be helpful right now. Discover a new way to live your daily life that helps you ground but lets you soar. Healing comes through fun activities like making art and making love. A steady routine might be hard to pin down, but the more you ground into the physical reality of making a meal or taking a hike the more you’ll wade through the inner changes you are experiencing. Your environment is really important right now; use sage and incense regularly.


Capricorn Sun/Rising

Having been in the University of Pluto since 2008, your definition of yourself has changed and you see the world through new eyes. Those lessons wrap up this year, but there is no time for a victory lap. Your mind, your words and your daily interactions bring great opportunity this year, but only if you can see them clearly. Make space in your life to daydream and you could find inspiration from unassuming places. Opportunities could come from the neighbor down the street, or from a song you hear on the radio. Your creative powers are steady and strong but also divinely through having fun. If you don’t want a baby this year, be extra careful. Children could suddenly arrive in your life along with a contract for that book you’ve been writing. Ancestral karmas might arise to be cleansed; face them head on. If you’re planning a move, check all the details. 



Aquarius Sun/Rising

The seriousness of last year lingers; watch for melancholy or a tendency to see the glass half … smashed on the floor. Work hard, but don’t equate your worth with your work. Financial opportunities will flow this year; double check absolutely every detail. Things might not be what they appear on the surface, but luck could be on your side. Your own self-worth is up for inspection, and you know the things that trip you up by now. Apply your willpower to be on your own team, and seek help for any self-defeating habits. There might be some tough conversations that you need to have this year. Balance your scientific approach with gentleness. Things at home could change radically -- perhaps a move? Or two?


Pisces Sun/Rising

You are inspiring, and inspired; feeling a little brighter and optimistic. At least you’re feeling that way when you’re not overanalyzing your interior reactions and subconscious mind (and eating your weight in ice cream). Whenever you ask yourself what’s holding you back right now, the only answer is you. Healing your self-love, self-worth and relationship with money will unlock your best self. Sudden changes in the way you think, speak or express yourself are possible. Magical conversations and brilliant ideas can come out of the blue. Take time for journaling, writing, vlogging. You might have to help out a neighbor or sibling who suddenly ends up hospitalized or needing help. Clear and concise communication is key.