Nuit Astrology

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PEF Week of October 30, 2023

Planetary Energy Forecast Week of October 30


October 30, Taurus Moon sextile Neptune in Pisces; trine Pluto in Capricorn, both positive energies that honor slow and steady; void from 7:36 am to 11:08 am EST; moves into Gemini and squares Saturn, don’t overthink.


October 31, precise trine from Venus to Uranus, karmic events and magical synchronicities for All Hallows Eve; Mars/Mercury still walking together in Scorpio and opposing Jupiter, keep your rituals grounded in tradition and know that magic is truly in the air.


November 1, the Sun in Scorpio begins to stand across the sky from Jupiter in Taurus, use the potential inspiration energy to get things accomplished in the Scorpio area of life through the 6th. Late night/early morning Gemini Moon challenges Venus and Neptune; super long void Moon from 8:36 am EST to 5:30 pm EST. Schedule time for inspiration, you won’t get much traction with linear thinking.


November 2, Cancer Moon nicely aspected, trust your intuitive vibes.


November 3, exact Sun opposite to Jupiter; Venus in Virgo is stepping into an opposition with Neptune in Pisces through the 5th, don’t get lost or confused in the fog. Use it for inspiration and ideas. This is a lot of opposition energy, a “push-pull” sense between Scorpio and Taurus and Virgo and Pisces. Mercury has now escaped the wrath of Mars and is moving forward in Scorpio. Cancer Moon still sending nice intuitive hits.


November 4, Saturn stations D at 0 degrees 30 minutes of Pisces; we begin to have our third hit of the points that have been showing us Pisces lessons since this past March. Mercury in Scorpio steps into an opposition with Uranus in Taurus; watch for sudden information to flow in.


November 5, Venus in Virgo trines to Pluto in Capricorn through the 8th which will bring authority figures to your aid. Be discerning, make lists, make decisions, a strong Earth flow. Moon in Leo is highly challenged with squares; avoid drama scenes and drama queens.