PEF July 2022

PEF July 2022


We begin the month with the exact square from Mars to both Pluto and the Moon in Cancer, this is in play for many days; watch both before and after. NOT GOOD energy. Be very cautious about the Aries and Capricorn sectors of your chart.


The Moon moves into Leo on Friday the 1st of July and will send a trine to Jupiter in Aries and sextile Venus in Gemini. This is a saving grace; and the Moon will get out of the square/opposition to Pluto and Mars, but the Mars Pluto square will be precise at 27 degrees.


Beware of violence; power struggles; the individual versus the collective. SLOW DOWN; LISTEN TO YOUR INTUITION.


July 2-3 Mercury very active in Gemini, trines Saturn in Aquarius but squares Neptune in Pisces. No delusion. No sleep walking in group-think. Creative solutions that serve the collective. Moon in Leo also squares Uranus, so could be lots of solar activity and opposes Saturn. A very serious day, emotional upheaval.


July 4, Moon in Virgo sextiles Sun, square Venus, trine Uranus. Good for creative insights; any love/money delusions get exposed. Overnight Mars changes signs and moves into Taurus.


July 5, Mars into Taurus and Mercury into Cancer. Both very different vibe. Mars in Taurus will slow down a bit, bring more focus on financial matters, resources, and the Earth. Mercury into Cancer makes people hyper sensitive mentally, tends to create problems with decision making. Mercury sextile Mars which is good for problem solving; Moon oppose Neptune, trine Pluto, square Mercury. Instincts around what needs to be changed, but easy to be deluded.


July 6, Libra Moon oppose Jupiter in Aries, square Sun. Difficult emotions. Strong desire for peace and harmony goes unfulfilled.


July 7, Libra Moon trine Venus in Gemini and Saturn in Aquarius; square Pluto in Capricorn. What you want must be in alignment with the changes being made in society. Nodes go to 20 degrees, and Uranus goes to 18 – within two degrees (discussion on this in the video).


July 8, Scorpio Moon oppose Mars in Taurus. Important discussions about values, resources.


July 9, Mercury in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries; difficult conversations and a tendency to see the worst of things. Scorpy Moon trine Gemini Sun, oppose Uranus in Taurus, square Saturn in Aquarius, trine Neptune in Pisces. Any inspiration is tested with a reality check, useful day.


July 10, nice day; Cancer Sun sextile Uranus in Taurus, last degrees of the Scorpio Moon sextile Pluto and later in the day moves into Sagittarius and will trine Jupiter. What areas of life are those for you?


July 10-11-12 – USA Pluto Rx back over the natal Pluto with precision. Watch the symbols.


July 11, Sagg Moon square Neptune in Pisces; delusions on a large scale; stay grounded.


July 12 Moon in Cap trine Mars in Taurus, square Jupiter in Aries. Refine your intentions for tomorrow’s very positive Full Moon.


July 13, Full Moon 21 degrees Cap at 2:38 pm; opposes Mercury, trines Uranus, sextile Neptune and also Gemini Venus trine Saturn and Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus. GREAT Moon.


July 14, Venus in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces; don’t just talk about things. Capricorn Moon conjuncts Pluto, moves into Aqua, squares Mars, sextiles Jupiter. This is a lot of energy.


July 15, Moon in Aqua conjuncts Saturn and squares Uranus in Taurus. All these squares to Taurus energy brings money, the Earth, what you love, what you value, into focus.


July 16, Mercury conjuncts the Sun “cazimi” – empowered or blasted out? Moon trine Venus and sextile Mars; good balance head and heart day.


July 17, Venus changes signs, moves into Cancer; huge energy day. Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces; Cancer Sun trine Neptune; Pisces Moon sextile Uranus, conjunct Neptune, trine Sun. Water central!


July 18, Moon in Pisces trine Mercury, sextile Pluto, Moon moves into Aries and squares Venus, and conjuncts Jupiter. Mercury in Cancer oppose Pluto in Capricorn.


July 19, Mercury into Leo. Sun at the end of Cancer opposes Pluto – this is in play through tomorrow. Moon conjuncts Chiron in Aries.


July 20 active Moon; at the end of Aries and as it moves into Taurus sextile to Saturn, square to Pluto, Sun, Mercury; sextile Venus.


July 21 Moon conjunct Mars both in Taurus.


July 22 Sun into Leo! Moon conjuncts Uranus, squares Saturn, sextile Neptune, trine Pluto.


July 23 Gemmy Moon sextile Sun, Jupiter, Mercury; Mercury trine Jupiter. Very talkative mental day, fabulous for ideas and writing.


July 24-25, Cancer Venus square Jupiter in Aries; excess will not be tolerated; Gemini Moon trine Saturn, square Neptune. Nodes go to 19! They are now only one degree from Uranus.


July 26, Moon conjunct Venus in Cancer, both square Jupiter, sextile Mars; Mercury in Leo square Mars in Taurus.


July 27, Moon in Cancer sextile Uranus, trine Neptune, oppose Pluto.


July 28, New Moon 1:55 pm 5 degrees Leo and Jupiter RX 4:37 pm at 8 degrees of Aries; Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus; Moon in Leo trine Jupiter.


July 29 Moon in Leo touching Mercury in Leo both square Mars and Uranus which are within two degrees; stellium with Mars, Uranus and the North Node which all oppose the South Node.


July 30, Moon in Leo opposes Saturn and then void from 12:29 am to 2:11 pm before it goes into Virgo. Mars go to 17 degrees of Taurus; Uranus and the Nodes meet at 18 degrees of Taurus – precise triple conjunct August 1, oppose the South Node.


July 31, Mercury in Leo opposes Saturn in Aqua; Sun in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries; big ideas!

Jill Loftis

Jill Loftis is an astrologer, mystic, yogi and mom. She came to study and learn astrology as a student of the Kriya lineage through the branch of Goswami Kriyananda and The Temple of Kriya Yoga.

In addition to practicing astrology and teaching yoga, she offers spiritual counseling services, tarot readings and leads workshops and trainings on meditation, breathwork, and life transformation.

She lives in Southwestern Virginia with her husband and enjoys international travel, gardening, good food, and chicken watching.

PEF Week of 6/27/22


PEF Week of 6/20/22