Nuit Astrology

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PEF September 11, 2023

PEF Week of September 11


September 11, Leo Moon sextiles Mars in Libra; conjuncts Venus; squares Jupiter in Taurus. No excess, please.


September 12, Leo Moon squares Uranus in Taurus, could bring shocks; voids at 11:06 am until 1:18 am on the 13th. Sun in Virgo trine to Uranus in Taurus beginning to build some beautiful Earth synergy.


September 13, Virgo Moon opposes Saturn in Pisces, conjuncts Mercury; don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good. Venus in Leo back in the range of a square to Jupiter in Taurus which highlights excesses or missed opportunities.


September 14, New Moon at 21° 59’ of Virgo at 9:40 pm EST. Nice trine to both Jupiter and and Uranus in Taurus. Watch the Venus/Jupiter square, but a productive manifestation Moon.


September 15, Mercury stations Direct at 8 degrees of Virgo. Sun in Virgo precise trine to Uranus in Taurus, magical practicality works wonders. Moon in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces, trines Pluto in Capricorn and voids at 9:49 am EST until 1:44 pm EST.


September 16, Libra Moon touches Mars; sextiles Venus in Leo. There’s some sexy Mars/Venus building, Venus Rx testing period begins!


September 17, Venus in Leo squares Jupiter in Taurus until the 22nd; what isn’t working in the Leo and Taurus areas of life that you need to harmonize, resolve or change? Libra Moon squares Pluto in Capricorn and voids from 9:06 pm to 12:58 am EST.