Discover Your Ishta Devata

Discovering your Ishta Devata is a practice of connecting with your unique form of the Divine. It is a way for you to connect on an ever-deeper level with that which you consider to be God, Goddess, the Universe, the Cosmic WOW or whatever you classify as that which is greater than you but also a part of you.

This practice of attunement to this form or symbol is central to Kriya Yoga. Whether it be Christ, Krishna, Durga or an Archangel, this practice helps to make the cosmic relatable. This symbol embodies the traits that you wish to elevate, honor, and become. It creates a sacred personal connection. 

Your Ishta is never too busy to chat, always listens, and becomes a palpable presence that is reassuring. Your Ishta can help you to perform rituals, like cord cutting. And you can ask your Ishta to guide you in your dream life. You can ask your Ishta for protection, and for guidance. You can meditate with your Ishta; it is like always having a magical ally with you, which is the way the Divine presence works. This just helps our human minds to understand and make the most of this relationship.

Discovering your Ishta is a process that cannot be forced, and sometimes it can take a while for you to choose an Ishta Devata (or for them to choose you).

The practice of Ishta Devata also relates to theory brought forward by Edgar Cayce in his readings that we all live according to our own individual “spiritual ideal.” We each have a path to walk, and often we need to choose a spiritual figure to follow; someone who has walked a similar path that we are walking and who embodies the characteristics we aspire to manifest and develop.

Someone focused upon Love would be walking the path of Jesus. Someone who prefers quietude, silence and meditation may attune to the Buddha. Another person might connect to someone who is not associated with a specific religious tradition – it could even be a character from a book or a mythological persona, like Chiron who was a Centaur, but also a healer and teacher.

If an Ishta does not readily appear, it can be helpful to just choose someone in the meantime to work with. Perhaps someone from your lineage – a saint, sage or a God or Goddess. 

Here are some methods for discerning your spiritual ideal and, therefore, choosing someone to embody the spiritual path you wish to walk.

1.   Make a list of three people you admire; list the qualities and traits that you respect and would want to emulate.  List three people who you think live a spiritual life; what about their life makes it spiritual and what do you admire about them?  

2.         Take some time and write your own obituary; how would you want to be remembered? What would the highlights of your life be? What would be your legacy?

3.         Review your list of people you admire and your obituary.  What are the common traits/qualities that you would want to embody?  Are they solar or lunar energies?  Are they related to the natural world or more in the mystical realm?  Do some research on various religious or spiritual figures (real or imaginary) and see if any of them resonate with you.  

4.  Prepare an altar to manifest a relationship with your Ishta Devata; if the section of your home for helpful people is not an appropriate location pick one room and do it in that section of that one room. 


FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions about the practice of Ishta Devata

1. Can my Ishta be a tree or a flower or something in nature?

Yes, indeed it can be. But it must be anthropomorphic, ie it must have a face so that you can see it speaking to you, looking at your and interacting with you like a human being would. This is important.


2. Can my Ishta change or is it always the same?

Indeed your Ishta may change as your path in life changes. But typically it is consistent; it is not something that changes every month or even every year. A change would be the end of some chapter of life for you and the beginning of something new.


3. Should I talk to other people and tell them who is my Ishta?

Yes … and no. Typically this is a deep personal relationship that you hold in your own heart and mind space. Of course, you may want to talk about it with your dearest and closest friends, spouse or lover, but it is not typically a public experience. 


I hope this is helpful to you all! Please do check out my video on discovering your Ishta on YouTube:

Also, keep a look out for a guided meditation that I will be posting soon that will help you to discover YOUR Ishta Devata.



Jill Loftis

Jill Loftis is an astrologer, mystic, yogi and mom. She came to study and learn astrology as a student of the Kriya lineage through the branch of Goswami Kriyananda and The Temple of Kriya Yoga.

In addition to practicing astrology and teaching yoga, she offers spiritual counseling services, tarot readings and leads workshops and trainings on meditation, breathwork, and life transformation.

She lives in Southwestern Virginia with her husband and enjoys international travel, gardening, good food, and chicken watching.

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