Nuit Astrology

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PEF Week of November 27, 2023

PEF Week of November 27


November 27, this month’s Full Moon at 4° 51’ of Gemini at 4:16 am EST; at the same time the ruler of this Moon (Mercury) in Sagittarius is going to square Neptune in Pisces. Make sure whatever you are letting go of is well-planned; not sudden or rash.


November 28, Moon voids from 8:03 pm to 1:54 am EST on the 29th. Gemini Moon stands across from Mercury and squares Neptune, be cautious. Venus in Libra comes within two degrees of touching the South Node in Libra, opposing North Node in Aries; do your values align with your partners’ values? Money and love challenged.


November 29, exact Venus/South Node in Libra connection, Venus opposite the North Node in Aries. This will remove some type of relationship dynamic or value. Let it go … let THEM go …


November 30, Venus in Libra begins to move into a square with Pluto in Capricorn; next few days, beware of power struggles, relationship dynamics that are painful or unsustainable. Mercury in Sagittarius begins to move into a blessing beam with Saturn in Pisces, great for inspired ideas and spiritual learning.


December 1, Sun in Sagittarius moves away from Mars’ influence so they can function more as individual energies, giving the Sun a little more brightness and less desire to fight. Mercury into Capricorn, immediately begins to pick up a lovely sextile to Saturn in Pisces which can lock in ideas. Venus in Libra begins to move into a square with Pluto, beware power struggles or conflicts of values. Moon in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn which amplifies those issues. Moon void from 8:07 am to 11:00 am EST.


December 2, Leo Moon sends nice energy to Mars and the Sun in Sagittarius, be lion-hearted.


December 3, Exact Venus/Pluto square; watch issues with authority figures, men; a final push for Libra energy to stand up to the “man”. Moon void 9:11 pm to 10:50 pm EST.