Nuit Astrology

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PEF Week of 10/24/22

PEF 10/24/22

October 24, Libra Moon very active, positive connection with Saturn in Aquarius and then connects with Mercury; merging of heart and head. Also positive connection with Mars in Gemini; square to the Pluto in Capricorn.

October 25, Eclipse season begins! New Moon Solar Eclipse 2 degrees of Scorpio 6:49 am. Conjunct Venus; issues related to love and money; remember eclipses are not for manifestation, stay adaptable and ready for something new in the Scorpio area of life.

October 26, Mercury in Libra trine Mars in Gemini; so many ideas! Scorpio Moon opposes Uranus in Taurus, square Saturn, trine Neptune; sudden emotions, not getting what you want but getting what you need.

October 27, Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn, dark thoughts; Moon in Scorpio sextile Pluto; Moon shifts into Sagittarius to trine Jupiter.

October 28, Jupiter Rx backs into the sign of Pisces; wrapping up Pisces lessons from last Spring. Sagg Moon square Neptune, sextile Saturn, don’t go too big or too hard.

October 29, Mercury into Scorpio; focus on Scorpio energy; heavier and more intense mental activity.

October 30, Mars in Gemini goes Rx; important, note the symbols in the Gemini area of life. Positive Moon in Capricorn connections with Uranus and Neptune, good for intuition and insight.

Throughout the entire month we are still managing the ongoing square aspects between Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius. They stay locked together with Saturn at 18 degrees the entire month, and Uranus starting at 18 degrees and Rx back to 17 degrees. Where are these two areas of life for you? Something must be severed in order to go in a new direction.