Nuit Astrology

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PEF Week of November 13, 2023

Planetary Energy Forecast Week of November 13


November 13, New Moon at 20° 44’ Scorpio at 4:27 am. This is a big one because it touches the Mars/Sun conjunction whilst it opposes Uranus and trines Neptune. It’s also the day of the precise Sun/Uranus opposition. Buckle up, buttercup. This will feel a bit like an eclipse energy. Get clear on your Scorpio manifestations, but leave some room for magic. Moon void from 6:03 pm to 9:23 pm EST.


November 14, the Mars/Sun in Scorpio conjunction trine energy with Neptune in Pisces strengthens, this will build and complete at the end of the week. Big inspiration, great for media. Find the flow between the Scorpio and Pisces areas of life and take advantage of what arises.


November 15, precise Mercury in Sagittarius/Venus in Libra sextile; great conversations, ideas flowing. Moon voids at 5:57 pm EST until 2:41 am EST on the 16th.


November 16, Mercury/Venus flowing, Mars+Sun/Neptune; we have several days of “good” astrology. Aided by the Capricorn Moon trine Jupiter, square Venus.


November 17, precise Mars and Sun trines from Scorpio to Neptune in Pisces. Beautiful abundant blessings from the Capricorn Moon, step into that Earth/Water FLOW.


November 18, precise conjunction of Sun and Mars; extremely strong, empowered Scorpio energy in the last 10 degrees. They continue to walk together into Sagittarius, very strong Scorpio/Taurus chart activation; where is that for you?


November 19, now the Sun/Mars in Scorpio energy is maintaining the trine to Neptune and picking up a sextile to Pluto in Capricorn. Excellent energy that is pressing for change. How can you take the opportunities that present in the Capricorn area of life and merge them with the Pisces depths? Mercury in Sagittarius picking up a trine to Chiron in Aries; great for healing conversations, explorations.