Nuit Astrology

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PEF Week of December 16, 2024

December 16  Pluto in Aquarius in positive connection with the Nodes; turning points; Mercury in Sagittarius/Mars in Leo still in a positive trine.


December 17  Pluto in Aquarius begins to trine to SN Libra, sextile NN Aries, which supports change; Sun in Sagittarius square to Neptune in Pisces. Saturn/Jupiter square strengthens. Moon void 1:33 pm EST to 6:39 pm EST.


December 18  Precise Sun in Sagittarius square to Neptune in Pisces; Leo Moon hits Mars, trines Mercury, opposes Venus; busy. This is a few days of a lot of both positive and difficult aspects. Slow down and be wise.


December 19  Venus in Aquarius precise trine to Jupiter in Gemini as Saturn in Pisces still in a square with Jupiter and Sun/Neptune still in a clash vibration. Stay grounded.


December 20  Moon void 12:19 am EST to 2:37 am EST.


December 21  Sun into Capricorn 4:21 am EST, blessed Winter Solstice. The Sun squares to the Nodes, while Pluto in Aquarius is sending positive support.


December 22  Moon void from 8:27 am EST to 2:08 pm EST.