Nuit Astrology

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January 2024 Planetary Energy Forecast

January 2024 Planetary Energy Forecast


January 1         Venus in Sagittarius Square to Saturn in Pisces, don’t be rash or disregard the rules; Mercury in Sagittarius begins to trine to the North Node, sextile South Node as it stations Direct; karmic ideas, positivity helps, think the new thought. Mercury Direct at 10:08 pm EST; still in the shadow zone until January 20.


January 2         Moon void 6:36 pm to 7:47 pm.        


January 3,        Saturn in Pisces begins to pick up sextile to Jupiter in Taurus; beneficial energy, lock it in for the next few days. Mars moves to 29 Sagittarius, the anorectic degree and a push to completion.


January 4         Mars moves into Capricorn; work hard, work smart.


January 5         Moon void 6:41 am to 7:39 am EST.


January 6         Sun in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries; honor tradition, slow down.


January 7         Sun in Capricorn begins to move into a trine with Uranus in Taurus, Earth synchronicities and magical thinking can help. Moon void 3:22 pm to 4:08 pm EST.


January 8         Mercury/Neptune square which introduces confusion; Saturn in Pisces flows with Mars in Capricorn, so take wise actions; still nice Sun/Uranus energy.


January 9         Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces; watch your mind and your mouth. Confusion can feel overwhelming, other positive aspects will help you if you stay grounded.


January 10      Uranus in Taurus trine Sun in Capricorn bringing in magical practicality; Sun begins to square the Nodes, so again; know the rules to break them properly. Mars in Capricorn begins to sextile Saturn in Pisces which can help you to find some inspired solutions.


January 11      New Moon 6:57 am EST 20 degrees 44 minutes Capricorn. Venus in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries which offers healing through spiritual or philosophical means; exact Sun in Capricorn square to the Nodes. Interesting New Moon here, with a real connection to the Aries/Libra parts of your chart. What is the turning point? Where do you need to initiate new Capricorn ways of being? How are relationship lessons being highlighted?


January 12      Mars in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus; again, Earth vibes, blessings through hard work and diligence. Do the work, and the results will flow.


January 13      Mercury into Capricorn, bringing ideas back down to Earth. Practical, hard-working mental energy, a lot of good aspects to work with so take advantage of opportunities.


January 14      Venus in Sagittarius trine to NN in Aries and sextile SN in Libra, a love the World vibe; remember positive relationships require space. A “good astrology” day.


January 15      Inspiration, luck, soak up the blessings.


January 16      Sun in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces; inspiration sparks up, take note and take action to lock in the good energy.


January 17      Mercury in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces, practical inspiration and grounding the spiritual into the physical reality. Pluto and the Sun are moving into a conjunction, so observe the changes that need to be made and be disciplined; could be a bit volatile.


January 18      Lovely Mercury/Saturn/Jupiter; watch the Venus/Neptune clash.


January 19      Venus in Sagittarius square to Neptune in Pisces. Sun in Capricorn comes to 29 degrees and conjuncts Pluto, both at the anorectic degree; they are not touching anything else, so it’s a huge phoenix point. Mercury in Capricorn trine to Jupiter in Taurus, take those ideas and use them to help manage the structures that are disintegrating.


January 20      Mercury out of shadow and moves into 9 degrees of Capricorn.


January 21      Sun into Aquarius 9:07 am EST; Pluto into Aquarius 7:50 pm EST. BIG Aquarius vibes; this is pretty unique to have them stroll into the sign at the same time. Think symbols related to technology, group-think, a New Age. Note the pushbacks, because they will be there.


January 22      Lean into the positive Jupiter/Saturn, later in the week things will be more tense.


January 23      Venus into Capricorn. Love through acts of service and showing up for those you love and value. Tension beginning to build over the next few days, don’t overschedule your life.


January 24      Mars in Capricorn square to Chiron in Aries; pain inflicted by authority figures, bosses, the rules. Chiron very close to the NN in Aries, adding to the tension and the South Node is also square to Mars. This is in play through the end of the month. Moon voids at 5:58 pm until 2:37 am on the 25th EST.


January 25      Mercury and Mars so close together in Capricorn, squaring to Chiron in Aries, a lot of mental tension and a desire to do something about it. Slow down.


January 26      Sun in Aquarius square to Jupiter in Gemini; big ideals conflict with ideas. Saturn in Pisces still sextile to the Jupiter, which is helpful.


January 27      Uranus Direct at 2:35 am EST at 19 degrees of Taurus; observe the symbols, this is the last time at this degree and should bring you freedom but also potentially chaos. Mars and Mercury conjunct in Capricorn, not precise square, but square to both Chiron in Aries and the Nodes at 18 degrees Aries/Libra. Another turning point where you see how things used to be and how they need to become. Venus in Capricorn trine to Saturn in Pisces and both flow beautifully with Jupiter in Gemini, work hard for what you love and value, creative solutions can show up.


January 28      Exact Mars and Mercury conjunct 18 degrees Capricorn and square to the 18 degree Nodes. Venus in Capricorn and Jupiter in Taurus trine each other and both sextile to Saturn in Pisces. This is a lovely balance of difficult and blessing energy, a lot will be happening. Learn the lessons and move forward.


January 29      Uranus at 19 Taurus trines the midpoint between 18 degree Mars and 20 degrees Mercury both in Capricorn, magical synchronicities are possible here from the Taurus and Capricorn areas of life. Square to the Nodes still present, so be cautious. Beautiful Venus, Jupiter, Saturn energy still flowing. Moon voids 6:20 pm until 3:04 am on the 30th EST.


January 30      Exact Mars in Cap trine to Uranus in Taurus; potential exists, but you must work to achieve it.


January 31      Chiron in Aries and the North Node walking together; opposing the SN in Libra; super karmic relationship situations, opportunities to heal.