Nuit Astrology

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PEF Week of October 23, 2023

PEF Week of October 23



October 23, Sun into Scorpio, happy solar return to my beautiful Scorpy friends; this ushers in a new vibration that is less about surface and more about depth. Aquarius Moon squares Uranus in Taurus, shocking group-think situations; voids at 3:04 pm until 4:33 am EST on the 24th.


October 24, Scorpio Sun trine Saturn in Pisces, slightly different vibe than the trine from the Libra Sun to Saturn, see if you can discern the different message of where you can find flow if you put in the effort; Pisces Moon touches Saturn and picks up the trine to the South Node, Sun, Mercury, Mars; sextiles Jupiter in Taurus. Intuition is a big help today, be sure to meditate or spend some quality time in or near water.


October 25, Pisces Moon opposes Venus in Virgo; sextiles Uranus in Taurus; touches Neptune; volatile emotions, don’t be too hard on yourself, be careful of substances or “checking out.”


October 26, Pisces Moon sextiles Pluto in Capricorn; voids from 2:39 am to 6:02 am EST. Mercury within two degrees of conjuncting Mars in Scorpio which brings depth to the mind but also potential difficult truths being revealed. People could be really intense. Sun still trine Saturn which will lend some aid.


October 27, Mars and Mercury in Scorpio step into an opposition with Jupiter in Taurus, moderation and balance are key; really watch the range of 8 to 12 degrees in your chart in anything.


October 28, Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 5° 9’ Taurus at 4:24 pm EST. This is a rough one. The Aries Moon squares Pluto in Capricorn; voids from 4:20 am until 7:44 am EST; Mars and Mercury precise opposition to Jupiter in Taurus just a few degrees away from the Full Moon. Caution flags UP. Helpful sextile to the Full Moon from Saturn in Pisces, and Venus in Virgo moving into a trine with Uranus moving backward in Taurus.


October 29, still a very strong conjunction of Mars and Mercury in Scorpio standing across from Jupiter in Taurus; 11 degrees in particular of those two signs is highly activated. Taurus Moon amping the Jupiter and the opposition; then moving into a trine with Venus and touches Uranus in Taurus, try to stay grounded.