PEF Week of September 4, 2023

September 4, Jupiter Stations Rx at 15 degrees of Taurus; so much Rx happening! Mercury in Virgo trine to that stationary Jupiter in Taurus. Active Taurus Moon trines the Sun and Mercury in Virgo; squares Venus in Leo; and then conjuncts Jupiter. Grounding is key.


September 5, Moon voids 12:46 pm to 4:07 pm EST; conjuncts Uranus in Taurus, sextiles Neptune in Pisces, trines Pluto in Cap and squares Saturn in Pisces.


September 6, Sun/Mercury cazimi in Virgo, in range of a trine to Jupiter in Taurus. Gemini Moon trines Mars in Libra, sextiles Venus in Leo, squares both the Sun and Mercury.


September 7, Gemini Moon squares Neptune in Pisces; voids at 6:22 pm EST until 1:00 am on the 8th.


September 8, the Sun is busy this week! Beautiful Virgo Sun trine to Jupiter in Taurus today; opportunities are blowing up everywhere, be discerning; Cancer Moon trine Saturn in Pisces, squares Mars in Libra, sextiles Mercury in Virgo. Balance heart and head.


September 9, lovely Cancer Moon aspects – sextiles to Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus and the Sun in Virgo. Intuition is key.


September 10, Cancer Moon trine Neptune in Pisces, opposes Pluto in Capricorn; voids from 8:47 am to 12:36 pm EST.

Jill Loftis

Jill Loftis is an astrologer, mystic, yogi and mom. She came to study and learn astrology as a student of the Kriya lineage through the branch of Goswami Kriyananda and The Temple of Kriya Yoga.

In addition to practicing astrology and teaching yoga, she offers spiritual counseling services, tarot readings and leads workshops and trainings on meditation, breathwork, and life transformation.

She lives in Southwestern Virginia with her husband and enjoys international travel, gardening, good food, and chicken watching.

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