Nuit Astrology

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PEF Week of September 4, 2023

September 4, Jupiter Stations Rx at 15 degrees of Taurus; so much Rx happening! Mercury in Virgo trine to that stationary Jupiter in Taurus. Active Taurus Moon trines the Sun and Mercury in Virgo; squares Venus in Leo; and then conjuncts Jupiter. Grounding is key.


September 5, Moon voids 12:46 pm to 4:07 pm EST; conjuncts Uranus in Taurus, sextiles Neptune in Pisces, trines Pluto in Cap and squares Saturn in Pisces.


September 6, Sun/Mercury cazimi in Virgo, in range of a trine to Jupiter in Taurus. Gemini Moon trines Mars in Libra, sextiles Venus in Leo, squares both the Sun and Mercury.


September 7, Gemini Moon squares Neptune in Pisces; voids at 6:22 pm EST until 1:00 am on the 8th.


September 8, the Sun is busy this week! Beautiful Virgo Sun trine to Jupiter in Taurus today; opportunities are blowing up everywhere, be discerning; Cancer Moon trine Saturn in Pisces, squares Mars in Libra, sextiles Mercury in Virgo. Balance heart and head.


September 9, lovely Cancer Moon aspects – sextiles to Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus and the Sun in Virgo. Intuition is key.


September 10, Cancer Moon trine Neptune in Pisces, opposes Pluto in Capricorn; voids from 8:47 am to 12:36 pm EST.