Planetary Energy Forecast Week of 3/14/22

PEF Week of March 14, 2022

As requested, this pairs with the YouTube PEF posted to my YouTube channel. Hope this helps!

We begin on Monday with the Moon in Leo opposing Mars and Venus in Aqua; squaring Uranus in Taurus. Minimize any drama response, be steady; could be some shake ups financially or between those areas of your chart. The Sun in Pisces precise trine/sextile to the nodes of the Moon in Taurus/Scorpio and Neptune comes to within two degrees of a trine. This is a karmic turn of the wheel. Deep subconscious triggers and spiritual benefits. High vibe Taurus, Scorpio; take high vibe Scorp skills to fix the Taurus problems. Tuesday Moon oppose Saturn and square the Nodes; reality check moment.

March 17 sextile from Mercury to Uranus – Pisces to Taurus – inspiration, Earth meditation; commune with the trees and the fairies and the rocks and the birds and the beauty of Panchamama, our Earth Mother.

Full Moon on Friday, March 18 at 27 degrees of Virgo 3:18 am EST – which is actually Thursday night – Moon voids in the middle of the night till 7:26 am which is lovely for meditation but wait for after that time for Full Moon rituals and . It trines Pluto, Sun sextile Pluto – NICE.  This is a big letting go Moon for the Virgo area of your chart. Release the need to be perfect; release the need to martyr yourself; embrace your inner healer. Do a big clean of your home and get rid of anything blocking your light. Exact trine/sextile Neptune to the Nodes; the answers are there for us as a collective. Meditate, connect spiritually to see the answers. Do not get lost in how things are not good enough, the mistakes you’ve made, etc.

Venus square Uranus on Saturday the 19th a clash of values; a big release of energy. What do you want that is unsustainable? What synchronicity occurs on or around that date? Also Black Moon Lilith in Gemini trine Aquarius Mars/Venus trine and then both points sextile to Aries Chiron 10, 11 degrees – healing of the Divine Feminine through the 21st. Ritualize healing the Earth, using technology to help rise up in support of feminine consciousness and values. Not a sexual orientation; a way of being in the Universe. It is time for the women-folk to rise up.

It really is our only chance to make it through this coming period. The worship of money and power needs to end; the worship of cooperation, harmony and peace needs to begin NOW.

Sunday March 20 Sun to zero Aries at 11:33 am -- Happy Astrological New Year my friends! It is also the Spring Equinox, Ostara; Spring has arrived. With the Moon moving into Scorpio and Mercury preparing to cross over Jupiter in Pisces; we are setting up for an exceptionally karmic period next week.



Jill Loftis

Jill Loftis is an astrologer, mystic, yogi and mom. She came to study and learn astrology as a student of the Kriya lineage through the teachings of Goswami Kriyananda.

In addition to practicing astrology and teaching yoga, she offers spiritual guidance sessions and mentoring, tarot readings and she leads workshops and trainings on meditation, breathwork, and life transformation.

She splits her time between her home in Portugal and Southwestern Virginia with her husband. She enjoys international travel, gardening, good food, and chicken watching.

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