April Moon Voids

April 2024 Moon Voids


April 3             Moon void 1:40 am until 5:08 am EST.


April 5             Moon void 1:40 am until 7:13 am EST.


April 7             Moon void 4:27 am until 7:25 am EST.


April 8             Moon void 10:39 pm until 7:23 am on the 9th EST.


April 9             Moon void until 7:23 am.


April 11           Moon void 6:04 am to 8:49 am EST.


April 13           Moon void 10:46 am to 1:45 pm EST.


April 15           Moon void 7:22 pm EST to 10:24 pm EST.


April 18           Moon void 8:02 am to 10:10 am EST.


April 20           Moon void 8:20 pm EST to 11:08 pm EST.


April 22           Moon void 7:24 pm EST until 11:20 am on the 23rd.


April 23           Moon void until 11:20 am


April 25           Moon void 7:17 pm EST to 9:37 pm EST.


April 28           Moon void 3:31 am EST to 5:37 am EST.


Jill Loftis

Jill Loftis is an astrologer, mystic, yogi and mom. She came to study and learn astrology as a student of the Kriya lineage through the teachings of Goswami Kriyananda.

In addition to practicing astrology and teaching yoga, she offers spiritual guidance sessions and mentoring, tarot readings and she leads workshops and trainings on meditation, breathwork, and life transformation.

She splits her time between her home in Portugal and Southwestern Virginia with her husband. She enjoys international travel, gardening, good food, and chicken watching.


PEF Week of April 8, 2024


PEF Week of April 1, 2024