PEF Week of April 15, 2024
April 15 Mercury backs up into Chiron in Aries, opportunities to talk and think about what has hurt and how to heal. Don’t turn away from the insights, be brave! Venus in Aries very close to the North Node, karmic relationship issues arise. Moon void 7:22 pm EST to 10:24 pm EST.
April 16 Mars in Pisces begins to send a lovely sextile energy to the Uranus/Jupiter conjunction in Taurus, this is helpful.
April 17 Venus conjunct NN in Aries, oppose SN Libra. Jupiter conjunct Uranus. All of these conjunctions create a volatile energy in the Pisces, Aries, Taurus quadrant. Almost too much happening to discern the different energies. Stay vigilant, grounded, not overly reactive to other people and their karmic patterns.
April 18 Now we have a super stellium in Aries of North Node/Venus/Chiron/Mercury – that is a lot spanning 15-20 Aries. Uranus/Jupiter strengthening, as is the sextile from Mars in Piscdes. Moon void 8:02 am to 10:10 am EST.
April 19 Uranus/Jupiter conjunction sextile to Mars in Pisces, grateful for a direction to move in, don’t hold on too tight, this energy is lightening in a box. Mercury backs up into the conjunct with Venus in Aries, slow down, so much fire and water. Sun goes to zero degrees Taurus, grateful for the grounding.
April 20 Precise conjunction of Uranus in Taurus and Jupiter in Taurus; this is a big one, at 21 degrees, where is that in your chart? It could make something go supernova; potential luck, though it might not feel like it at the time. Stellium NN, Mercury, Venus, Chiron in Aries, Sun in Taurus; an enormous amount of energy concentrated in one house of your astrology. Moon void 8:20 pm EST to 11:08 pm EST.
April 21 Difficult energy. Venus conjunct Chiron in Aries at 20 degrees, opportunities for healing through powerful honesty and bold decisions. Sun in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius, power struggles, issues with money, resources. A true tell of what the new Pluto in Aquarius vibe will bring.