Nuit Astrology

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PEF Week of August 1, 2022

PEF Week of August 1, 2022


August 1. We launch this month with the precise triple conjunction of Mars, Uranus and the North Node (“the stellium”) all at 18 degrees of Taurus. This is a very unique configuration, all pressuring the Taurus and Scorpio area of your chart. Karmic events coming down in a big way. This energy flavors the entire beginning of the month and will have waves that move out for many years to come. Pay attention to the symbols.


On this date also we have the Virgo Moon highly activated, sending a beam of trine energy to the stellium in Taurus while it opposes Neptune and also trines Pluto. Take advantage of the opportunities; you will have to harmonize the Taurus and Virgo areas of your life.


August 2. Venus in the caretaking sign of Cancer sends blessing beams to the stellium in Taurus, good support. Libra Moon stands across from Jupiter, but connects positively with the Sun. Love and relationships take center stage, get clear on what is important to you.


August 3. Libra Moon square Venus, trine Saturn, square Pluto; you might not get what you want, but you’ll get what you need!


August 4. Mercury comes home to the sign of Virgo and connects positively with the Moon newly in Scorpio; watch for insider information or for things to be suddenly revealed.


August 5. Difficulty: with the Moon in Scorpio, its “Fall” position, it squares the Sun and Saturn, conjuncts the South Node and it opposes the Taurus stellium of Mars, Uranus and the NN. This is a very hard day, immediately eased the next day. Tie your knot and hang on.


August 6. After being put through the wringer yesterday, the Moon gets a little sweetness from a trine to both Venus and Neptune, and a sextile to Saturn. Late in the day it squares Mercury, so just slow down and process all your feels.


August 7. A day we always keep an eye on (a few days actually), Mars in Taurus squares Saturn in Aquarius; watch out for this all week. Can bring conflict, violence. Uranus and the NN widely engaged in the square, so important to take note of what occurs. Aided by a beautiful grand trine between Chiron Rx in Aries up to the Sun and over to the Moon in sunny Sagittarius. The Moon also gains some support from Jupiter, and Venus in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces for a bit of inspiration and romance. Beware of excess late on the 7th into the 8th.