Nuit Astrology

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PEF Week of 12/5/22

PEF Week of 12/5/22

December 5, Moon in Taurus conjuncts Uranus and squares to Saturn in Aquarius, sends a nice beam to Neptune in Pisces. Be inspired, but pay attention to the details. Watch your money, honey. Sun in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries for the first couple days of the week; Sun/Mars opposition all week.

December 6, Mercury at the end of Sagg square Jupiter in the last degrees of Pisces. Big mouth energy, so keep it shut. The Sagittarius vibe change begins to move into Capricorn energy as Mercury changes into the sign at 5:08 pm EST. Moon in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn and sextiles Jupiter in Pisces, then moves into Gemini. Intuition is better than your mind today.

December 7, Full Moon (Sun opposing the Moon) at 16 degrees of Gemini, 11:08 pm, touching Rx Mars. Huge highlight of the Gemini sector of life; what are you thinking? What negative thought patterns need to be released? Where are you only thinking about acting when you need to be DOING SOMETHING.

December 8, Sun in Sagittarius moves into the opposition with Mars, amplifying the Full Moon energy with a trine to Saturn in Aquarius and a square to Neptune in Pisces. This turns this into a two-day Full Moon energy, so stay alert. Innovation and structure are key.

December 9, Venus joins the Capricorn party late in the day; before that at the end of Sagg squares over to Jupiter in Pisces. Tone it down … Moon in Gemini opposes Mercury in Sagittarius. Mind/Emotions are in conflict; find equilibrium.

December 10, Cancer Moon sextile Uranus in Taurus, spark of insight or emotional texture to an idea.

December 11, Cancer Moon trine Neptune in Pisces, opposes Pluto, flows with Jupiter in Pisces. Inspiration energy, buck the system. Sun begins to flow into a sextile with Saturn; good for crystalizing your vision and taking actions.