Nuit Astrology

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PEF Week of May 9, 2022

PEF Week of May 9, 2022


We are walking the tightrope between eclipses this week. The major players are Mercury going Rx and Jupiter moving into Aries, both of which occur on Tuesday.


But let’s start at the beginning! On Monday, May 9 we have the Moon opposite of Saturn, stepping into that difficult flow that Saturn has had with the Nodes of the Moon for since forever. The square from Saturn to the Nodes is still a bit wide, but I still feel it is being triggered and then the Moon hops in on the action; watch for the tug of war between Leo and Aquarius. What’s good for the individual versus what is good for the collective? Let it illuminate where you might not be fully in your power. Beware any desperate grabs for attention or the spotlight. Jupiter at the very last degrees of Pisces, so some honoring of that completion or a push to wrap up loose ends may occur.


Tuesday Mercury goes Rx at 7:47 am at 4 degrees of Gemini; observe the station and then consider what needs to be “re” in that area of your life. Basic Mercury Rx protocol in effect. The Moon in Virgo also squares Mercury for extra effect.


Big news, Jupiter into Aries at 7:22 pm. I’ve talked about this a lot before, but pay attention and perhaps ritualize this shift. It’s going to change the tone of the whole month.


Wednesday a busy Virgo Moon day; it opposes Mars and Neptune but flows beautifully with the Sun in Taurus. Beware being super critical of others or yourself. Good for analyzing things through the filter of your emotions.


Thursday the 12th also active; Moon flows with Pluto, then moves into Libra and opposes Jupiter and Venus while trining Mercury. That push pull between Libra and Aries is the classic “you and your partner” issues.


Friday Moon in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius; good sticking power. Observe from the 12th on as Venus is preparing to conjunct Chiron on Sunday at 14 degrees of Aries. Ayyyye MORE Aries! Over the weekend of the 14-15 Mars moves into a trine and sextile to the North and South Nodes of the Moon, picking up that point where both Neptune and Jupiter sent those blessing beams. We received the ideas and concepts then, this is how we take action to harmonize those areas of life.


Sunday big; Venus conjunct Chiron; Sun square Saturn as it sextiles Neptune. Moon opposes Uranus and then squares Saturn as well, but flows with Mars and Neptune.


And don’t forget we are prepping for the Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse at 25 degrees of Scorpio on Monday the 16t at 12:14 am. This is a rough one, though some assistance rendered by Moon sextile Pluto and trine Jupiter. More on that next week!