PEF June 2022

PEF June 2022


We start the month still with Mercury in Taurus moving backwards into a square to Saturn in Aquarius from the 1st through the 8th. What needs to be reconsidered from those areas of life? Make the changes or you will be pushed. Have the hard conversations.


June 1 Moon in Cancer squares Jupiter and Mars in Aries, but flows with Venus; you could be easily emotionally triggered, especially around themes of personal safety and home and family. Stay grounded in reality.


June 2, Moon in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus and squares Chiron in Aries; synchronicity sparks so look for bits of luck. Could be some difficult emotions surface, pursue healthy and holistic responses to emotional triggers.


June 3, Mercury DIRECT at 26 degrees of Taurus; note any Mercury Rx lessons. Moon active, opposes Pluto in Capricorn and Saturn in Aquarius prep to station Rx.


June 4, Saturn stations Rx 5:47 pm at 25 degrees of Aquarius; where is that in your chart? Where must you be “adulting” a little extra hard? What things that you haven’t tended to pop up to be managed? Do the hard things, don’t leave it to others.


June 5 Moon in Leo opposes Saturn in Aquarius and squares the Nodes which are in Taurus and Scorpio. Big feels; like a truth bomb; don’t overreact.


June 6 Sun in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries; good day to talk about things that might be painful from childhood or that are keeping you from being whole.


June 8 big triangle Moon in Virgo Mercury in Taurus Pluto in Capricorn; how can you merge these three areas of life together? Nice harmony between head and heart. What we call a grand trine.


June 9 Moon in Libra opposes Chiron and Mars in Aries; how does love hurt? How do your partnerships hold you back? How can you balance other people’s needs with your need for independence and autonomy?


June 10 Moon in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn and then Mercury at the tail end of Taurus, in a trine Pluto. Talk, think, write; intuition might not be on point. Be sure to think things through.


June 11 Venus conjunct Uranus in Taurus and opposes Moon in Scorpio. A day to focus on what you love and value and to honor magical thinking. Lots of energy focused on resources, money, the Earth; intense feelings and potentially shocking events.

June 13 Mercury moves back into Gemini; still in the shadow, but much chattier vibe.

June 14 Full Moon at 7:52 am EST at 23 degrees of Sagittarius; long moon void 10:48 am till it goes into Capricorn at 6:14 pm. Honor, bless and release something in the Sagittarius area of life. With Mars conjunct Chiron at 15 degrees this can bring painful energy, problems, illness, anger, aggression. This Moon also squares Neptune and sextiles Saturn, so beware wanting to let go of something just to make it easier or because you think you can bend the rules.


June 15 Moon in Capricorn squares Jupiter and Mars in Aries, trines Uranus in Taurus. Earth energy wins; fire energy brings conflict. Innovation is the answer here. Don’t try to go it alone.


June 16 Venus conjuncts the North Node in Taurus, opposes South Node Scorpio. Big test of value system; what matters to you? It will come into focus. For sure could bring money matters into sharp focus. Moon conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn, trines the Gemini Mercury and the Sun very active trine Saturn and square Neptune. Big energy that tends to make people want to talk and communicate, but there is a lack of clarity; big cult vibes.


June 17 Aquarius Moon square Uranus in Taurus, sextiles Jupiter and Mars in Aries.


June 18 Nodes finally change to 21 degrees; they have been hanging at 22 forever! Aqua Moon conjuncts Saturn and they both square Venus. Harsh day of reckoning. Issues with authority figures; time is not on your side this day.


June 19 Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces; Mercury out of the shadow zone in Gemini; inspiration strikes today.


June 20 Moon in Pisces sextiles Uranus touches Neptune, sextiles Sun and Pluto, squares Sun at the very end of Gemini. Intuitive energy strong but also possibly very delusional. Don’t over-estimate your abilities or energy. Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries. The desire to vocalize and talk a LOT.


June 21 Sun into Cancer – Summer Solstice. Venus in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn, Moon touches Jupiter and sextiles Mercury. Positive day to make changes and continue the conversations that started yesterday.


June 22 Venus into Gemini; time to flirt! Moon in Aries conjuncts Mars; Chiron squares Ceres. I would expect potential anger, violence, problems in particular with grain/wheat due to the square to Ceres. Food issues are with us to stay for many more years. Moon in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn into the early morning of the 23rdthe Moon still close to Mars. Anger, power struggles; violence.


June 24 Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus; magical thinking, talk to fairies, manage your resources with technology.


June 25 Moon in Taurus square Saturn in Aqua; sextile Neptune in Pisces, trine Pluto in Capricorn. Inspired change is challenged to find the details. Reality check day.

June 26 Moon conjunct Venus in Gemini, sextile Jupiter; very fun, flirty, positive day. Keep it light. Uranus in Taurus trine Ceres in Cancer; technology should be able to help with the grain shortages.


June 27 Moon Mercury meet in Gemini; merging of the heart and head.


June 28 Overnight at 3:55 am Neptune stations retrograde; note the day before and day of to see what needs to be examined in the Pisces area of life. The New Moon at 7 degrees of Cancer at 10:52 pm. Sun and Moon connected in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries; action clashing with ideas. Find a balance between just talking about something and taking wise measured actions. Nice Venus Jupiter is there to help a little.


June 29 Mars in Aries begins to approach the square to Pluto in Capricorn. This is very harsh warrior energy; beware of violence, “underworld” characters. Watch the world at large, next few days are pretty sketchy as we head into July. There is a blessing beam from Venus in Gemini to Jupiter in Aries, so hopefully talking about things will bring about a better result; good for negotiations, an appeal to values or the rule of law.

June 30 Exact square from Mars to both Pluto and the Moon in Cancer. NOT GOOD.

Jill Loftis

Jill Loftis is an astrologer, mystic, yogi and mom. She came to study and learn astrology as a student of the Kriya lineage through the branch of Goswami Kriyananda and The Temple of Kriya Yoga.

In addition to practicing astrology and teaching yoga, she offers spiritual counseling services, tarot readings and leads workshops and trainings on meditation, breathwork, and life transformation.

She lives in Southwestern Virginia with her husband and enjoys international travel, gardening, good food, and chicken watching.

PEF Week of 5/30/22


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