Nuit Astrology

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Planetary Energy Forecast December 2024

 December 2024 PEF


December 1    New Moon at 1:21 am EST 9 degrees 33 minutes of Sagittarius. Very strong, with a square to Saturn in Pisces, an opposition to Jupiter in Gemini and conjunct Mercury. Venus in Capricorn begins to trine to Uranus in Taurus; Mercury Rx in Sagittarius trine to Chiron in Aries.


December 2    Exact Venus/Uranus trine; Moon void 10:47 am EST to 4:09 pm EST. Mercury Rx in Sagittarius moving back into an opposition with Jupiter in Gemini.


December 3    Sun in Sagittarius begins square to Saturn in Pisces; Mercury in Sagittarius opposition to Jupiter in Gemini.


December 4    Exact Sun/Saturn square; exact Mercury/Jupiter opposition; exact Venus in Capricorn sextile to Neptune in Pisces. Moon in Capricorn very active, flowing with Uranus and Neptune and touching Venus; once it shifts into Aquarius it touches Pluto. Moon void 6:34 pm EST to 11:21 pm EST.


December 5    Sun and Mercury move into a conjunction in Sagittarius, both picking up an opposition to Jupiter in Gemini and square to Saturn in Pisces; tense.


December 6    Mars stations retrograde at 6:33 pm EST at 6 degrees of Leo. Sun in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini; Mercury in Sagittarius square to Saturn in Pisces. Moon void 7:01 pm EST until 4:49 am EST on the 7th.


December 7    Venus changes signs, conjunct Pluto in Aquarius at zero degrees. Neptune stations direct in Pisces at 6:43 pm EST. Sun in Sagittarius steps into an opposition with Jupiter in Gemini.


December 8    Pisces Moon squares Mercury, Jupiter and Sun; touches Saturn; sextiles to Uranus. Harsh emotional energy.


December 9    Venus in Aquarius trine to SN in Libra, sextile NN Aries. Sun in Sagittarius trine to Chiron in Aries. Saturn in Pisces begins to square to Jupiter in Gemini. Moon void 3:45 am EST to 8:38 am EST.


December 10  Sun in Sagittarius trine to Chiron in Aries. Moon void 5:13 pm EST until 10:55 am on the 11th.


December 11  Remember, Moon is void until 10:55 am EST. Taurus Moon squares Pluto, Venus and Mars; rough. Venus in Aquarius opposite Mars in Leo next couple days. Potential issues with money, love.


December 12  Venus in Aquarius sextile to Mercury in Sagittarius; Mercury trine to Mars in Leo through the 19th. Saturn in Pisces building into a square with Jupiter in Gemini.


December 13  Mercury in Sagittarius connecting in a sextile to Venus in Aquarius and trine to Mars in Leo. Moon void from 7:39 am EST to 12:22 pm EST. Moon in Taurus and then into Gemini is highly activated, stay emotionally steady.


December 14  Saturn in Pisces begins to square Jupiter in Gemini, all rest of this month.


December 15  Full Moon at 4:02 am EST at 23 degrees 53 minutes of Gemini; Mercury stations Direct at 3:56 pm EST at 6 degrees of Sagittarius and with Mercury as the ruler of Gemini, a lot of information could flow in. Moon void from 9:32 am EST to 2:21 pm EST, observe this for your Moon rituals. This Moon is also square to Neptune in Pisces, so could feel confusing or uncertain. Be very thoughtful of what you let go on this Moon.


December 16  Pluto in Aquarius in positive connection with the Nodes; turning points; Mercury in Sagittarius/Mars in Leo still in a positive trine.


December 17  Pluto in Aquarius begins to trine to SN Libra, sextile NN Aries, which supports change; Sun in Sagittarius square to Neptune in Pisces. Saturn/Jupiter square strengthens. Moon void 1:33 pm EST to 6:39 pm EST.


December 18  Precise Sun in Sagittarius square to Neptune in Pisces; Leo Moon hits Mars, trines Mercury, opposes Venus; busy. This is a few days of a lot of both positive and difficult aspects. Slow down and be wise.


December 19  Venus in Aquarius precise trine to Jupiter in Gemini as Saturn in Pisces still in a square with Jupiter and Sun/Neptune still in a clash vibration. Stay grounded.


December 20  Moon void 12:19 am EST to 2:37 am EST.


December 21  Sun into Capricorn 4:21 am EST, blessed Winter Solstice. The Sun squares to the Nodes, while Pluto in Aquarius is sending positive support.


December 22  Moon void from 8:27 am EST to 2:08 pm EST.


December 23  Jupiter in Gemini square strengthens to Saturn in Pisces. Sun square the Nodes strengthens too. Lean into the Pluto in Aquarius trine and sextile to the Nodes.


December 24  Moon void allll day; 5:44 am EST until 3:06 am EST on the 25th. Precise Jupiter/Saturn square; Venus in Aquarius sextile to Chiron in Aries; Mars on its way backwards into the opposition with Pluto, yet again and also Mars in Leo picks up trine to NN, sextile to SN.  This action that you need to take in the Leo area of life is karmic, make the change. White light shields up through the end of the year.


December 25  Mercury in Sagittarius opposition to Jupiter in Gemini, square to Saturn in Pisces; Saturn/Jupiter still in square. Mars comes within three-degree opposition moving Rx across from Pluto in Aquarius.


December 26  Precise Mercury Rx in Sagg opposition to Jupiter in Gemini; don’t argue.


December 27  T-square strengthens with Mercury in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini, both square to Saturn in Pisces. Venus in Aquarius begins to square Uranus in Taurus. Nodes at 1 degree still trine/sextile to Mars in Leo and Pluto in Aquarius. Another long Moon void from 9:24 am EST to 2:46 pm EST.


December 28  Precise Venus/Uranus square.


December 29  Moon void from 6:34 pm EST to 11:37 pm EST.


December 30  New Moon at 5:27 pm EST at 9 degrees 44 minutes of Capricorn. Absolutely a karmic turning point. Pluto in Aquarius precise trine to SN Libra and sextile NN Aries; but Pluto is right across the sky from Mars in Leo; tense. Trine from Mercury in Sagittarius to Chiron in Aries. Saturn/Jupiter still square. Erratic energy.


December 31  Mars/Pluto opposition at 1 degree Leo/Aquarius; Saturn still squaring Jupiter; Mars and Pluto flowing with the Nodes; whew, what a year!