Astrology to Help Plan for the Holiday Season 2022

Astrology for Holiday Planning

My sweetheart suggested this post and video series, because often when planning family events or things that involve a lot of emotions, traditions and different personalities, it really helps to know what’s happening with the astrology. I hope you find this helpful! I will be posting a companion YouTube video to go with this with a forecast for each Rising Sign, so be sure to check that out!

Thanksgiving Day

November 23 (Wednesday), 24 (Thursday)

Day before Thanksgiving is a New Moon at 1 degree of Sagittarius at 5:57 pm EST, with Jupiter stationing direct just moments later at 6:02 pm in the sign of Pisces. This is a positive Moon that trines Neptune in Pisces, sextiles Pluto in Capricorn and also trines that Jupiter.

Thanksgiving Day the Moon remains in Sagg, conjuncts Venus and Mercury and they all send sextiles to Saturn. Could have some very passionate opinions and ideas. I would say these configurations are typically positive, but beware of excess with food and drink and also be careful of the classic Sagittarius “hoof in mouth.” There will be a tendency to pontificate, to want to debate philosophical stances, and also a big chance of blurting out whatever you are thinking. So mind your mind and your mouth.

The cautions are that Mars in Gemini is squaring Neptune in Pisces, as well as Ceres, and is across the sky from Hygiea. Be very careful with hygiene, keeping food safe and watching out for food allergies. I’d also be extra careful with your knives and candles, it could be easy to get distracted with that square to the Neptune and it could cause accidents.

Mercury Enters the Shadow Zone

December 12 Mercury enters the shadow zone of it’s retrograde at 8 degrees of Capricorn; you really should make every attempt to have your holiday shopping finished by this date, particularly if you are purchasing anything electronic or related to technology.

Mercury is conjunct Venus in Capricorn at 24 degrees on December 29 when it stations retrograde.


Sundown December 18 (Sunday) to December 26 (Monday)

Haunkkah begins with the Moon in Libra; it voids from 5:35 pm to 10:31 pm EST and moves into Scorpio, where it is not at its best. The morning of that day the Moon has some very positive flows of energy, in the evening it clashes with Pluto. Potential for heavy emotionality as the day goes on, try to stay in the higher spiritual energy versus darker more tense feelings. Both will arise. There is a lovely aspect from Mars in Gemini to Chiron in Aries; definitely an “ancestral healing” vibe if you can tap into that.

As the week unfolds, on Tuesday the 20th Jupiter moves back into Aries, giving a little more “oomph” and desire to acquire and be independent. So give people their space and don’t over schedule. Wednesday the 21st the Sun moves into Capricorn (Winter Solstice) and it squares over to the Jupiter. Potential issues with Dad/Father/Patriarch so make sure they don’t upend your plans. Thursday the 22nd has a lovely flow from Venus in Capricorn to Uranus in Taurus, so that’s a better day for gatherings and it will soften the tense Sun aspect.

The Sun is also squaring Ceres most of the week, and Jupiter is opposing Ceres. Ceres is the goddess of grain and is also Demeter; so watch for potential arguments about food, or problems procuring want you want to prepare. Stock up early if you can! This could also bring up issues surrounding mothers and daughters and how they might clash with patriarchal figures. Have a plan to manage the difficult personalities in your orbit, and prepare to have good boundaries.

Friday the 23rd is a New Moon at 1 degree of Capricorn at 5:17 am; this Moon squares over to the Jupiter which has just returned to Aries. Be careful of excess, arguments, and difficulties arising over a desire to be independent, but also have to follow tradition and rules.

Saturday the 24th the Moon remains in Capricorn and connects with Venus and Mercury; it also sends blessings to Neptune (as does Mercury); and then touches Pluto. Wherever Capricorn is in your chart, it’s lit up and will benefit from Saturnian thinking. Be steady, prepare in advance, respect tradition and stay grounded.

The 25th is a Sunday, and the Moon moves into Aquarius, whereupon it makes nice with Jupiter and trines over to Mars. This is a more forward-thinking energy, and a good day for group events. The last day is Monday the 26th; the Moon clashes with Uranus in Taurus and then touches Saturn. It will be a heavier and more serious day.

Winter Solstice

December 21, 4:48 pm (Wednesday)

As the week unfolds, on Tuesday the 20th Jupiter moves back into Aries, giving a little more “oomph” and desire to acquire and be independent. So give people their space and don’t over schedule. Wednesday the 21st the Sun moves into Capricorn (Winter Solstice) and it squares over to the Jupiter. Potential issues with Dad/Father/Patriarch/Boss so make sure they don’t upend your plans.

Christmas Eve & Day

December 24 (Saturday), 25 (Sunday)

This holiday has some nice astrology. Saturday the 24th the Moon remains in Capricorn and connects with Venus and Mercury; it also sends blessings to Neptune in Pisces, and then touches Pluto in Capricorn. Mercury also connects with a sextile over to Neptune, and Venus in a wide (but three degree!) connection as well. This is lovely inspirational and magical energy if you can tap into it. Wherever Capricorn is in your chart, it’s lit up and will benefit from Saturnian thinking. Be steady, prepare in advance, respect tradition and stay grounded.

The 25th is a Sunday, and the Moon moves into Aquarius, whereupon it makes nice with Jupiter in Aries and trines over to Mars in Gemini. This is a more forward-thinking energy, and a good day for group events.


December 26 (Monday) to January 1 (Sunday)

Monday, December 25 we have the Moon in Aquarius square over to Uranus and conjunct Saturn; so there is a serious, somewhat somber vibe to the day. The Sun, Mercury and Venus are all in Capricorn, adding more stern energy to the mix. Tuesday the 27th the Moon moves into Pisces, it sends a blessing beam to the Sun in Capricorn, but it squares Mars in Gemini, so watch your mouth! Wednesday is a sweeter day, with Venus in Capricorn sending her blessings to Neptune in Pisces and the Moon making harmonious aspects to Uranus, Venus and Mercury as it touches Neptune. Lovely day to be inspired, spiritual, imaginative and immersed in positive emotions.

Thursday the 29th Mercury stations Rx, right as it is coming together with Venus; so very possible to have a lot of confusion or miscommunication, not a great day for spontaneous decisions, plan carefully and be adaptable if you are hosting any event on this day. The Moon moves into Aries and hits Jupiter, squares the Sun and sextiles Mars in Gemini; some very strong emotions to manage.

Friday the 30th, Moon in Aries sends a nice blessing to Saturn in Aquarius; a much more calm energy than the 31st, which begins early morning with the Moon in Aries in some difficult aspects; it squares Mercury, Venus and Pluto, all in Capricorn. Not ideal energy; very much about rules and limitations. Then it moves into Taurus at 12:08 pm EST.

Just 25 minutes after midnight on the 1st, Venus conjuncts Pluto. This energy is in play the whole weekend, so ladies, BE CAREFUL. This is not a good vibe and is the energy of the Goddess being taken into the Underworld. The Moon trines over to the Sun in the morning, which is helpful, but then it hits Uranus in Taurus. This is a tricky weekend to navigate, particularly for anyone who identifies as female, but also potentially a financially difficult weekend. I would suggest keeping your celebrations calm and close to home this year,

New Year’s Eve/New Year’s Day

December 31 (Saturday) to January 1 (Monday)

New Year’s Eve is a Saturday this year which begins early morning with the Moon in Aries in some difficult aspects; it squares Mercury, Venus and Pluto, all in Capricorn. Not ideal energy; very much about rules and limitations. Then it moves into Taurus at 12:08 pm EST.

Just 25 minutes after midnight on the 1st, Venus conjuncts Pluto. This energy is in play the whole weekend, so ladies, BE CAREFUL. This is not a good vibe and is the energy of the Goddess being taken into the Underworld. The Taurus Moon trines over to the Sun in the morning, which is helpful, but then it hits Uranus in Taurus which can bring surprises. We also have a nice trine from the Sun over to the North Node in Taurus, with a sextile to the South Node in Scorpio. If you are setting intention or planning to make it a positive symbolic launch into the year, this is a good energy to tap into — think High Vibe Taurus and Scorpio, aided by Capricorn stability. But with the Venus connection to Pluto, this is a tricky weekend to navigate, particularly for anyone who identifies as female, but also potentially troubling financially or with resources. I would suggest keeping it simple this year, and perhaps planning a stay-at-home, disciplined and sedate entrance into 2023.

Be sure to look for my YouTube video on the Maha Tarka (Great Review), a journaling exercise that is a perfect way to launch into the New Year! May your holiday season be blessed with love, abundance and peace.

Shanti (peace,


Jill Loftis

Jill Loftis is an astrologer, mystic, yogi and mom. She came to study and learn astrology as a student of the Kriya lineage through the branch of Goswami Kriyananda and The Temple of Kriya Yoga.

In addition to practicing astrology and teaching yoga, she offers spiritual counseling services, tarot readings and leads workshops and trainings on meditation, breathwork, and life transformation.

She lives in Southwestern Virginia with her husband and enjoys international travel, gardening, good food, and chicken watching.

PEF Week of 11/7/22


Recommended Reading: StarGates