PEF for August 2022

Planetary Energy Forecast for the Month of August, 2022

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We launch with the triple conjunction of Mars, Uranus and the North Node (“the stellium”) all at 18 degrees of Taurus. This is a very unique configuration, all pressuring the Taurus and Scorpio area of your chart. Karmic events coming down in a big way.


August 1. See above; this energy guides us into the month. On this date also we have the Virgo Moon highly activated, sending a beam of trine energy to the stellium in Taurus while it opposes Neptune and also trines Pluto. Take advantage of the opportunities; you will have to harmonize the Taurus and Virgo areas of your life.


August 2. Venus in the caretaking sign of Cancer sends blessing beams to the stellium in Taurus, good support. Libra Moon stands across from Jupiter, but connects positively with the Sun. Love and relationships take center stage, get clear on what is important to you.


August 3. Libra Moon square Venus, trine Saturn, square Pluto; you might not get what you want, but you’ll get what you need!


August 4. Mercury comes home to the sign of Virgo and connects positively with the Moon newly in Scorpio; watch for insider information or for things to be suddenly revealed.


August 5. Difficulty: with the Moon in Scorpio, it’s “Fall” position, it squares the Sun and Saturn, conjuncts the South Node and it opposes the Taurus stellium of Mars, Uranus and the NN. This is a very hard day, immediately eased the next day. Tie your knot and hang on.


August 6. After being put through the wringer yesterday, the Moon gets a little sweetness from a trine to both Venus and Neptune, and a sextile to Saturn. Late in the day it squares Mercury, so just slow down and process all your feels.


August 7. A day we always keep an eye on (a few days actually), Mars in Taurus squares Saturn in Aquarius; watch out for this all week. Can bring conflict, violence. Uranus and the NN widely engaged in the square, so important to take note of what occurs. Aided by a beautiful grand trine between Chiron Rx in Aries up to the Sun and over to the Moon in sunny Sagittarius. The Moon also gains some support from Jupiter, and Venus in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces for a bit of inspiration and romance.


August 8. Moon sends blessings to Saturn, but squares Neptune; beware of excess late on the 7th into the 8th. Precise trine from Chiron in Aries to Sun in Leo. How can being “seen” heal you?


August 9. Venus in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn. Patriarchal power struggles. Moon also in Capricorn, flowing with Mercury and Uranus but squaring Jupiter. Take wise, measured actions; respect authority. BE authority.


August 10. Capricorn Moon still very active, connects with Pluto, trines Mars, sextile Neptune oppose Venus which is standing in the sky with Black Moon Lilith in Cancer. Another indication of battles between the Divine Feminine, the Mother and the Patriarchal structure.


August 11. Venus moves into the sign of Leo (do your hair!) at 2:30 pm EST and we have a Full Moon in Aquarius, 19 degrees, at 9:36 pm. Both the Sun and the Moon square Uranus and the North Node which are both still at 18 degrees of Taurus on this day, so watch for sudden twists and turns; potential shocking events. Mars in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces. The Moon will move on to conjunct Saturn and square Mars, another time to be somewhat cautious. This difficult energy will be in play for several days, so watch the 12th and 13th as well.


August 13. Moon opposes Mercury, sextile Uranus; great for insights, intuition, balancing heart and mind.


August 14. Moon in Pisces conjuncts Neptune, sends great beams to Mars and Pluto and then voids at 11:11 am (note that angel number people!) until it moves into Aries at 4:43 pm EST. A floaty day in some ways; but look for the anchors provided by those sextiles to Mars and Pluto; take actions that result in change and improvement. Leo Sun opposes Saturn as well, and Mars nearing the end of Taurus trines Pluto. Late evening EST Aries Moon trines Venus in Cancer. HUGE energy day, slow down so you can react with wisdom.


August 15. Mercury in Virgo trine NN and Uranus; sextile to South Node. Solutions present themselves! Moon touches Jupiter in Aries; still flowing with the positive Mars trine to Pluto. Take that inspired initiative!


August 16. Moon trine Sun, Mercury trine Uranus, Moon square Pluto. With a decent Moon void from 4:18 pm EST until it moves into Taurus at 10:22 pm. Have those difficult conversations.


August 17. Taurus Moon square Venus; careful with excesses, shopping too much, seeking security through money.


August 18. Venus in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries; another caution on excess, but enjoy. Moon in Taurus comes together with Uranus and the NN, squares Saturn, trines Mercury, sextile Neptune. Mars gets to the 29th degree of Taurus, a very difficult degree; a push to completion.


August 19. Moon squares the Sun, but trines Pluto and then connects with Mars, both at the end degree of Taurus. Late in the day the Moon in Gemini sends blessing beams to Jupiter and to Venus. Big emotions, listen to your inner child.


August 20. Mars moves into Gemini. Total vibe change. Much more changeable. Less directed or directable. A strong urge to argue. Mercury enters shadow zone of 24 degrees of Virgo, opposing Neptune. You will not have the clarity you seek.


August 21. Lots of Gemini Moon/Virgo Mercury/Pisces Neptune firing. Stay grounded, anchor into reality. Watch your mind AND your mouth. Moon flows with Saturn, so intuition might have the upper hand. Chiron Rx back to 15 degrees of Aries.


August 22. Sun into Virgo, Happy Solar Return darling Virgo babies! Cancer Moon squares Jupiter in Aries; Mercury trines Pluto for the next several days. Good for mental energy, try not to be overly sensitive.


August 23. Cancer Moon sextile Uranus, trine Neptune; inspired day!


August 24. Important day to observe; Uranus turns Rx at 9:54 am EST. Observe the symbols. Moon in Cancer opposes Pluto, sextiles Mercury and later moves into Leo and sextiles Mars. Chiron in Aries trines Venus in Leo.


August 25. Mercury moves into Libra and wants peace, beauty and balance. Leo Moon trines Jupiter, conjuncts Venus and squares Uranus. Moon and Venus square the Nodes. Another potential day of excess!


August 26. Super looooong Leo Moon void from 2:55 am EST until it goes into the sign of Virgo at 8:25 pm. Opposes Saturn right before the void; practice patience.


August 26-27. A difficult NEW Moon at 4:17 am in the sign of Virgo, 4 degrees. This New Moon squares Mars, at the same time Venus is squaring Saturn. This isn’t a manifestation Moon this is a listen to your stern Auntie type of Moon. Saturn also goes to 20 degrees, within two degrees of squaring the Nodes again, as it did at the beginning of the year. This plays out through mid-September, and then we step back into the vibe of Saturn square to Uranus. The “man” versus the population. The old guard versus the new way. Reality vs. Technology.


August 28. Venus in Leo opposite Saturn in Aquarius, slow down and make things stick. The Moon in Virgo opposes Neptune and trines Pluto. The Nodes go to 15 degrees of Taurus/Scorpio for the first time; South Node in Scorpio conjunct Hygiea, deep inner healing.


August 29. Libra Moon connects with Mercury in Libra, trines Mars in Gemini and opposes Jupiter in Aries. Excellent head merge with heart day as long as you remain balanced! Lots of conversations about relationships.


August 30. Moon in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius. Solid intuition in play.


August 31. Libra Moon in the late degrees squares Pluto and then immediately voids from 6:43 am until it moves into Scorpio at 1:11 pm EST. Could be a sudden event and then a floaty-type morning where it feels hard to gain traction.

Have an amazing month!



Jill Loftis

Jill Loftis is an astrologer, mystic, yogi and mom. She came to study and learn astrology as a student of the Kriya lineage through the branch of Goswami Kriyananda and The Temple of Kriya Yoga.

In addition to practicing astrology and teaching yoga, she offers spiritual counseling services, tarot readings and leads workshops and trainings on meditation, breathwork, and life transformation.

She lives in Southwestern Virginia with her husband and enjoys international travel, gardening, good food, and chicken watching.

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