Nuit Astrology

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PEF Week of 6/6/22

NUIT – PEF Week of June 6, 2022


A bit of a quiet week – FINALLY.


We begin Monday with the Sun in Gemini a sextile to Chiron in Aries; good for talking about problems or long-standing ailments or karmic wounds.


Monday night into Tuesday, the Moon in Virgo flows beautifully with Venus and Uranus; but then squares the Sun in Gemini. So great for inspired actions related to healing themes, good for inspired generation of ideas to solve problems. Watch that you aren’t too attached to doing things your way.


Wednesday June 8 big triangle in the sky – a Grand Trine of the Moon in Virgo flowing over to Mercury in Taurus which flows into Pluto in Capricorn. Where are these in your chart? How can you merge these three areas of life together? Nice harmony between head and heart. The trine between Mercury and Pluto in play the rest of the week.


Thursday the Moon in Libra opposes both Chiron and then Mars in Aries. A push-pull between union and independence. Between peace and war. Between pain and pleasure. Choose the positive. A push towards emotional balance.


Friday the 10th Mercury in Taurus precise trine to Pluto in Capricorn; we experienced this before, but watch for ideas, inspiration, practical solutions. Both in Earth signs. The Moon still in Libra trines Saturn and then squares that Pluto. Big emotions. Stay grounded.


June 11 Venus conjunct Uranus in Taurus and opposes Moon in Scorpio. A day to focus on what you love and value and to honor magical thinking. Lots of energy focused on resources, money, the Earth; intense feelings and potentially shocking events.


Sunday the 12th a super active Scorpy Moon that pushes against Saturn and opposes Mercury, but flows nicely with Neptune and Pluto. A nice balance of inspiration with a dose of reality.