Planetary Energy Forecast December 2022

PEF December 2022

December 1, Big aspect, big energy day day. Tons of Moon activation, so stay grounded. Venus in Sagittarius opposes Mars in Gemini which is a tug of war between the Goddess and the Warrior; Mercury in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces so delusions and confusions abound. Rash thinking will not help. Pisces Moon squares everything overnight between the 30th and 1st - Mars, Venus, Mercury, conjuncts Neptune, sextile Pluto and then conjuncts Jupiter and then moves into Aries. Huge emotional energy; spiritualize it.

This is absolutely a day where excess will mess you up; moderation is key and if you can, wait to make big decisions, information will be coming in fast and furious. A “oh well, let’s do it anyway” attitude could be a problem. Venus in Sagg sextile Saturn in Aqua late in the day will help you moderate. Whew.

December 2, Moon in Aries trine the Sun in Sagittarius. Tap into intuition to move forward.

December 3, Neptune Direct at 22 degrees of Pisces; Moon in Aries sextile Mars in Gemini and Saturn in Aquarius; trine Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius. Nice energy, observe the stationary direct symbols wherever Neptune is in your chart. You will have the inner drive to pursue goals today.

December 4, Venus in Sagittarius square to Neptune in Pisces. Moon Aries Square Pluto in Capricorn. Beware delusion; don’t overspend, careful with love and romance.

December 5, Moon in Taurus conjuncts Uranus and squares to Saturn in Aquarius, sends a nice beam to Neptune in Pisces. Be inspired, but pay attention to the details. Watch your money, honey.

December 6, Mercury at the end of Saggs square Jupiter in the last degrees of Pisces. Big mouth energy, so keep it shut. The Sagittarius vibe change begins to move into Capricorn energy as Mercury changes into the sign at 5:08 pm EST. Moon in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn and sextiles Jupiter in Pisces, then moves into Gemini. Intuition is better than your mind today.

December 7, Full Moon (Sun opposing the Moon) at 16 degrees of Gemini, 11:08 pm, touching Rx Mars. Huge highlight of the Gemini sector of life; what are you thinking? What negative thought patterns need to be released? Where are you only thinking about acting when you need to be DOING SOMETHING.

December 8, Sun in Sagittarius moves into the opposition with Mars, amplifying the Full Moon energy with a trine to Saturn in Aquarius and a square to Neptune in Pisces. This turns this into a two-day Full Moon energy, so stay alert. Innovation and structure are key.

December 9, Venus joins the Capricorn party late in the day; before that at the end of Sagg squares over to Jupiter in Pisces. Tone it down … Moon in Gemini opposes Mercury in Sagittarius. Mind/Emotions are in conflict; find equilibrium.

December 10, Cancer Moon sextile Uranus in Taurus, spark of insight or emotional texture to an idea.

December 11, Cancer Moon trine Neptune in Pisces, opposes Pluto, flows with Jupiter in Pisces. Inspiration energy, buck the system.

December 12, Sun in Sagg sextile Saturn in Aquarius gives some sticking power to actions that create wisdom and understanding; Moon in Leo sextile Mars, in Gemini, squares Uranus in Taurus. Ideas arise, but practicality matters. Mercury shadow zone begins!

December 13, Leo Moon opposes Saturn in Aqua; trines the Sun in Sagg. Look on the bright side, cultivate your gratitude attitude.

December 14, Sun in Sagg square Neptune in Pisces brings a reality check; Virgo Moon trine Venus in Capricorn likes a cost-benefit analysis.

December 15, Virgo Moon equally blessed and cursed; trines Mercury in Cap, Uranus in Taurus; squares Mars in Gemini. Watch your critical edge, and be more cautious when speaking or writing; good for intuitive management of resources.

December 16, Virgo Moon opposes Neptune in Pisces; squares Sun in Sagittarius; trines Pluto in Capricorn; opposes Jupiter at the end of Pisces. That is a lot to manage; stay grounded and detached emotionally in order to make wise choices.

December 17, Mercury in Capricorn trines to Uranus in Taurus; good creative solution day. Moon in Libra squares Venus and Mercury in Capricorn; trines the Mars in Gemini. Better to listen to your rational mind, your emotions might be triggered. From 12/17 through the end of the year Mars in Gemini sending a nice sextile to Chiron in Aries; great for therapy, healing conversations, activities that heal the mind/body connection. Make space for it and note where those areas of life are in your chart.

December 18. Hanukkah begins at sundown; Libra Moon trine Saturn in Aquarius; sextiles the Sun in Sagittarius; squares Pluto in Capricorn. Peace is possible, but the power structure won’t like the deal.

December 19, blessing beam from Scorpio Moon over to Venus in Capricorn gives deep insight. Jupiter at the last degrees of Pisces for another 12 years, so take advantage of those opportunities before they vanish.

December 20, Jupiter into Aries 9:32 am EST; something from October resurfaces. Scorpio Moon opposes Uranus in Taurus; sextiles to Mercury in Capricorn; square to Saturn in Aquarius; trine to Neptune in Pisces; sextile Pluto in Capricorn. Huge amount of energy to manage; extraordinarily intense feelings, don’t over schedule your day.

December 21, Winter Solstice, Sun to Capricorn 4:48 pm EST. Happy Solar Return my Capricorn darlings! Moon in Sagittarius trines Jupiter in Aries; then the Sun squares Jupiter. Nothing to excess; another watch your mouth Moon due to Moon opposing Mars in Gemini.

December 22, Venus in Capricorn trine to Uranus in Taurus; this is actually in play for a couple days before and after, so use that good energy to stabilize resources, your budget and allow for magical synchronicities in love. Moon in Sagittarius sextiles to Saturn in Aquarius which is creative and worldly; squares Neptune in Pisces so watch issues with media; and then voids from 3:16 pm until 2:49 am on the 23rd so that’s a dreamy, floaty meditative time. Not great for rational decision making, so be cautious.

December 23, New Moon at 5:17 am EST at 1 degree of Capricorn; It squares Jupiter in Aries, so there is this clash between independence and power structures. Where is this in your chart? What hard lessons have you learned since 2008 and how has that shown you that you are finally ready for a new start in this area of life?

December 24, nice sextile from Mercury in Capricorn to Neptune in Pisces — inspiration; busy Moon in Capricorn trines to Uranus in Taurus, touches both Venus and Mercury, then sextiles to Neptune amping that Mercury sextile to Neptune; and finally lands touching Pluto. Very positive day, you’ll be ambitious.

December 25, Merry Christmas; lovely Aquarius Moon sextile to Jupiter in Aries, trines to Mercury in Gemini. A nice level of detachment balanced with a desire to be social and to be yourself.

December 26, Hanukkah ends, Kwanzaa begins. Aqua Moon squares to Uranus in Taurus, touches Saturn and then voids until 2:34 am on the 27th. Much touchier, heavier energy. Remember Mercury is about to Rx; don’t buy those sale electronics!

December 27. Pisces Moon sextile Cap Sun which grounds your intuition; squares Mars in Gemini so maybe keep your ideas to yourself until you vet them.

December 28, Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces; Pisces Moon sextiles Uranus in Taurus, Venus and Mercury in Cap; conjuncts Neptune. Dreamy, y’all. Great for love, inspiration, spiritual work, writing, art, music.

December 29, Mercury stations Rx at 24 degrees of Capricorn at 4:32 am; Pisces Moon sextiles Pluto, moves into Aries and touches Jupiter; then squares the Sun in Cap and sextiles Mars in Gemini. Mercury and Venus officially conjunct in Capricorn. Mind/heart merge. Another large energy day, stay grounded and adaptable. Don’t push things.

December 30, Aries Moon sextile to Saturn in Aquarius; problem solving capability.

December 31, NYE; caution flag is UP. Aries Moon squares the Capricorn planets — Mercury, Venus and Pluto; and then right after midnight on the 1st of the new year, Venus and Pluto conjunct. The Goddess gets taken into the underworld. Be careful; be wise. Spend the final day of 2022 with people you love and trust.

I highly recommend you ready my holiday forecast blog which was posted in November for more details on the days and weeks of the holiday season.

Jill Loftis

Jill Loftis is an astrologer, mystic, yogi and mom. She came to study and learn astrology as a student of the Kriya lineage through the branch of Goswami Kriyananda and The Temple of Kriya Yoga.

In addition to practicing astrology and teaching yoga, she offers spiritual counseling services, tarot readings and leads workshops and trainings on meditation, breathwork, and life transformation.

She lives in Southwestern Virginia with her husband and enjoys international travel, gardening, good food, and chicken watching.

PEF Week of 11/28/22


PEF Week of 11/21/22