Nuit Astrology

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For those seeking a healthy relationship . . .

Get You a Man


Get you a Man; get you a Good Man.

Get you a Man who Gets You Back.


Get you a Man who makes you feel beautiful – loved, admired and seen.

Get you a Man who isn’t perfect; there are no perfect human beings.

Get you a Man who is strong and gentle; confident and humble; who cares.

Get you a Man who believes in something; otherwise, he is rudderless.

Get you a Man who makes you feel safe; whose love is reliable and true.

Get you a Man who cares as much for the woman you are, as the girl within you.


Get you a Man who knows relationships are promises, and promises take effort to keep.

Get you a Man who isn’t just sexy; but funny, interesting, unique.

Get you a Man who wants to communicate, even if you need to teach him how.

Get you a Man who calls you on your stuff, because that’s how we grow.

Get you a Man who is dependable and honest, who learns from his mistakes.

Get you a Man who is authentic in all that he undertakes.


Get you a Man who you love just the way he is, instead of hoping that he’ll change.

Get you a Man who you don’t apologize for to your family and your friends.

Get you a Man who listens when you speak, instead of preparing his next retort.

Get you a Man who makes your heart leap, who doesn’t make you feel ignored.

Get you a Man who has hobbies and interests and tries to balance work and fun.

Get you a Man who thinks you’re sexy as hell; without makeup and your hair undone.


Get you a Man who would make a good father; even if that’s not relevant . . .


because - the traits of a good father are just the traits of a good Man: compassion, understanding, kindness, protection, responsibility, and respect.


Get you a Man who has ALL these traits, but remember: you must give them back.


Get you a Man.