What Each Sign Should Manifest for 2022

Based upon the movement of Jupiter through your chart, here are broad topics for manifestation for 2022 based on the the transit of Jupiter which has been traveling through the end degrees of Pisces and then through early Aries during 2022.

Read for your Rising Sign!



This is the year to become the YOU that you’ve always dreamed of. You’ve been reprogrammed from the inside out, and those old habits that used to trip you up have fallen away. Focus on your mental outlook and your physical health. Goal-stalk to manifest a strong, healthy body and watch how the rest of your life falls into place.



You’ve refined your goals, edited your friend group and now the inner work begins. Ancient lineage patterns, subconscious triggers and the deepest parts of yourself are ready to be seen, heard, processed and utilized in order to finally become your own ally. Self-defeating habits can be banished; manifest the inner strength needed to achieve those new dreams and aspirations by changing yourself from the inside out.



This is the year of the reset. You’ve made the needed changes to your career aspirations in order to align with what you really want out of life. This new you has let go of some friendships and work goals that no longer felt relevant or interesting. It’s time to manifest your big-picture dreams and wishes, and to wisely decide who deserves to take up space in your life.



Maybe it was finally wrapping up that degree program or taking a trip somewhere but you caught a new vision of what it is that is truly fulfilling for you and now is the time to go for it. Career goals are at the top of your list, but it’s more than just money or power that you want; now you want to make a difference and it’s time to get to work to manifest your legacy.



Maybe it was an intense relationship with someone, or someone in your life died and that gave you a vision of how short life is, but either way you’ve got some new perspective. Now it’s time to sign up for that class, finish that certification or go for that degree that you feel will take you to the next level. This is the year for you to step out of any confined spaces that your family or culture placed you in because your World needs to become bigger. Manifest the time, space and resources to study, learn, teach, travel and share those gifts with the World.



The focus has been on relationships; what type of partner do you really want, whether it is in love or in business? Figuring that out brings you to the next level, which is a deep exploration of the depths of relationships. Whether it is sharing bodies or sharing resources, learning to partner and get what you want is the big lesson. You can manifest great love, investors, or even a deep connection to God. Whatever it is, this isn’t a year you can go it alone.



Creating a daily life that meets your needs has been a key component of the current cycle. Whether it was a change of jobs, a change of schedules, or a health challenge that made you reconsider that “how you live your days is how you live your life,” these changes have been for the better. This new and improved lifestyle is ready to be completed and complimented by a wonderful partner. Whether that is a business partner or a lover, the energy is primed for you to manifest that perfect person to help you to create the balance you crave.



Fun has been your focus, and as you explore new ways to enjoy and express yourself, now it’s time to anchor those positive feelings into your daily life. Perhaps there is a way to integrate what makes you joyful with what you do for your work. Children might be a part of the bigger picture as well. Either way, you should be manifesting a new job that allows you to find ways to bring creative self-expression into your daily work or you can find outlets through volunteering or helping others.



Themes surrounding “what is home?” have been highlighted, and a move might have happened or be in the works. If you are interested in having children, this is a particularly easeful time to invite them into your World, and to resolve ancient issues with your own Mother wounds. Let “joy” be your bellwether and allow yourself to discover what brings you pleasure and childlike fun. Manifest the time and space to write books, play music, make art, make love, take risks.



A new optimism has come over you and it is evident in the way that you think write and speak. Now it’s time to consider how to score the best possible home environment that will support you and your work in the World. You can manifest a new living environment, roommate situation or end a relationship that no longer helps you to feel grounded. This is deep inner work, but you’re turning the corner.



How you spend your money and time have gone through some changes and with this newly established value system, it’s time to move forward and “think the new thought that will set you free.” You value your own brainpower in new ways and this is excellent energy for writing and thinking. It cultivates improving relationships with your siblings and those in your daily orbit of life. Manifest ideas and healthy forms of expressing your thoughts, opinions, ideas and intellectual prowess.



Many opportunities have presented themselves, and after a period of brighter optimism and confidence, it is now time to re-evaluate how you spend your two most valuable resources – money and time. Careful not to take on too much or overextend yourself, this is excellent energy to manifest financial opportunities that align with your true values and desires.

Jill Loftis

Jill Loftis is an astrologer, mystic, yogi and mom. She came to study and learn astrology as a student of the Kriya lineage through the branch of Goswami Kriyananda and The Temple of Kriya Yoga.

In addition to practicing astrology and teaching yoga, she offers spiritual counseling services, tarot readings and leads workshops and trainings on meditation, breathwork, and life transformation.

She lives in Southwestern Virginia with her husband and enjoys international travel, gardening, good food, and chicken watching.


PEF Week of July 4, 2022


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