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PEF October 2022

PEF October 2022

Throughout the entire month we are still managing the ongoing square aspects between Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius. They stay locked together with Saturn at 18 degrees the entire month, and Uranus starting at 18 degrees and Rx back to 17 degrees. Where are these two areas of life for you? Something must be severed in order to go in a new direction.

October 1, Mercury Rx in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces for the first several days of the month. We’ve been managing this energy, it’s jamming up communications and making it hard to pick a direction forward. Venus in Libra oppose Jupiter in Aries, challenging relationships. Difficult Sagg Moon aspects — oppose Mars in Gemini, square Neptune in Pisces and Mercury in Virgo. Watch your mouth, Sagittarius has a tendency to talk first and apologize later.

October 2, Mercury Direct! At 24 degrees of Virgo. Another difficult Moon day, Moon in Capricorn square Jupiter, Venus and the Sun.

October 3, Tables turn and we have some good Moon aspects but big energy — Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn.

October 5, Aqua Moon conjunct Saturn, adding energy to the ongoing square to Uranus in Taurus.

October 6, Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn; use this energy for insights, brain work, thinking, writing. Sun in Libra oppose Chiron in Aries for the next three days; painful relationship patterns are revealed, need your time and effort.

October 7, Mars in Gemini begins to square over to Neptune in Pisces. This aspect in play the whole rest of the month. This could bring delusional thoughts, negative thoughts and arguments. Guard your mouth and mind.

October 8, Pluto Direct; whenever a big outer planet stations, think of it as a time stamp or branding iron. Observe what symbolically occurs on this day; remember Pluto is wrapping up its time in Capricorn and some big final lessons are going to be delivered..

October 9, Full Moon at 4:55 pm 16 degrees of Aries. Opposes Venus in Libra, sextile Saturn in Aquarius. Strong emotions; completions; relationship triggers. Positive support from Saturn.

October 10, Mercury moves back into Libra. Moon in Aries void from 10 am to 5:00 pm EST, also conjuncts Eris the Goddess of Discord; your emotions and intuition could be erratic. Venus in Libra oppose Chiron in Aries; be cautious with love relationships or spending money.

October 11, Sun in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius; how can you harmonize those areas of life? Good for relationships, finding balance.

October 12, Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces; the exact aspect we’ve been managing for a while; caution on your mind, you could be charging off in the wrong direction; Mercury in Libra oppose Jupiter in Aries yet again due to the Rx; beware of arguments. Taurus Moon conjunct Uranus, square Saturn, sextile Neptune, trine Pluto; big emotions, get some time outside in order to ground yourself in your body.

October 14, Venus in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius; follows up on the Sun trine from October 11; great for making commitments in love. Gemini Moon trine Saturn, Venus and Sun; square Neptune; fabulous creative insights.

October 16, Mercury out of shadow in Libra; full speed ahead on Mercury-related things although the difficult Uranus aspects will still be messing with technology.

October 17, Sun in Libra trine Mars in Gemini; the Sun is really getting the good flows, nice for Leos and Librans for sure; lots of mental activity, that is big air energy. Moon in Cancer activated with both blessings and difficult aspects, so try not to be overly emotional.

October 18, Venus in Libra trine Mars in Gemini; see above!

October 19, Libra Sun square Pluto in Capricorn; Moon in Leo square Uranus and oppose Saturn. Difficult energy for sure, it will slow down the flow that Librans and Leos have been feeling.

October 20, Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn; Venus walking right along with the Sun now. Today the Moon in Leo is offering aid and positive assistance, sextile both Mars and Venus and the Sun.

October 22, Sun conjunct Venus in Libra, they will walk into Scorpio tomorrow; total vibe change. Mercury in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius, good for mental activity.

October 23, Saturn D; observe the symbolic events; Venus and the Sun shift into Scorpio and an eclipse is coming; what area of life is that for you? Intensity arises, the South Node is in Scorpio.

October 24, Libra Moon trine Saturn in Aquarius, conjunct Mercury, trine Mars, square Pluto; big feeling and the desire to express them.

October 25, Eclipse season begins! New Moon Solar Eclipse 2 degrees of Scorpio 6:49 am. Conjunct Venus; issues related to love and money; remember eclipses are not for manifestation, stay adaptable and ready for something new in the Scorpio area of life.

October 26, Mercury in Libra trine Mars in Gemini; so many ideas! Scorpio Moon opposes Uranus in Taurus, square Saturn, trine Neptune; sudden emotions, not getting what you want but getting what you need.

October 27, Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn, dark thoughts; Moon in Scorpio sextile Pluto; Moon shifts into Sagittarius to trine Jupiter.

October 28, Jupiter Rx backs into the sign of Pisces; wrapping up Pisces lessons from last Spring. Sagg Moon square Neptune, sextile Saturn, don’t go too big or too hard.

October 29, Mercury into Scorpio; focus on Scorpio energy; heavier and more intense mental activity.

October 30, Mars in Gemini goes Rx; important, note the symbols in the Gemini area of life. Positive Moon in Capricorn connections with Uranus and Neptune, good for intuition and insight.

October 31, Moon in Capricorn conjuncts Pluto; very spooky vibes befitting the day; sextile Jupiter in Pisces; Moon moves into Aquarius and squares Mercury in Scorpio. Very emotional.