Taylor Swift Songs as the Zodiac Signs  

In case you were wondering, I am a confirmed, card-carrying Swiftie. Though she is a cool 20 years younger than I am, so many of her songs really speak to me. She allows her true emotions to come through. She sings about things we often only think about alone, or don’t allow ourselves to say aloud.


I also have a fun little story – I taught a private yoga class for her band way back when she was still an opening act.


It was 2007. I had just opened my yoga studio, and received a cold-call from her manager to come teach yoga to her and the band at the music venue. He mentioned her name, saying he was sure I’d heard of her. To his chagrin, I had not.


She won best new country artist that night and after that, everyone knew her name. She was up most of the night doing interviews, and didn’t make yoga with her band the next morning. So, I never met her personally, but have followed her career and truly love her music.


But we are here today to chat about astrology. And how you can learn about the zodiac signs using Taylor Swift songs. Say what? Tell us HOW you are going to teach us astrology with Taylor Swift songs, Jill?


Well, I can do that because she is such a prolific song writer. I think of her as the poet laureate of damn near every modern woman. And by speaking so honestly she gives voice to the truly unique experience of being a woman these days with more choices than our mothers and grandmothers and yet more challenges as well.


She speaks of the female experience as archetypes in a way that are super relatable and very astrological.


Must admit, I haven’t heard all of her albums. I’m mostly a Reputation and Midnights fan. So perhaps there are better songs to describe the signs? But here’s my take – do you have any suggestions? Comment below!




Aries – Red


Not only is Aries ruled by Mars, the red planet, it is the energy of youthful enthusiasm. This song’s lyrics refer to “loving him is like driving a new Maserati,” it is a song of passion and emotionality. I love how she describes different emotions as colors, a very simple and useful way to understand them. Aries energy is big RED energy.



Taurus – New Year’s Day


This song speaks of a love that isn’t just for the special occasions, but is there to clean up the mess and hang onto the memories. Memories is the realm of Taurus energy, as the sign of values, money and morals. The most loyal of the signs, your Taurus friend or lover will be there to clean up the bottles and scrape the wax off the floor, for sure.



Gemini – Shake It Off


Gemini is the sign of communication and is known for being light-hearted, chatty and social. And occasionally, ditzy (“got nothing in my brain … that’s what people say ….”) They tend to be in constant motion, which makes me think of the slightly frenetic but oh-so-enjoyable romp of this song. Gemini is will always “keep cruising … can’t stop, won’t stop moving ….”



Cancer – All Too Well (10-minute version)


Ten-minute version OF COURSE. This heart-breaker of a ballad rings true for the oh-so-sensitive Cancer personality. They are Moon-ruled, highly emotional and it is also the sign that relates to home. This song speaks to the small but meaningful intimate moments that create a deep connection to another person and a “home” with them. Hanging onto the scarf … a photo album from your childhood … the memories of a great love.


Leo – I Bet You Think About Me


Leo’s play big, but under that bravado is a very sensitive soul with a lot of feelings and intuitive energy. They also are gorgeous, magnetic and memorable. You might wound them and walk away, but the one thing they know for certain is that you will never be able to totally put them out of your mind.



Virgo – Mastermind


First of all, we HAVE to reference a song with an astrological intro, right? “Once upon a time, the planets and the fates and all the stars aligned ….” But the reason it indicates Virgo energy is the strategy and understanding of how things are going to work out. I would not say that Virgo energy is manipulative, but it is very strategic, planned and perfection-oriented. A Virgo never “fails to plan.”



Libra – Bejeweled


 “And by the way, I’m going out tonight.” No matter what happens to the Libran personality, they can make it through as long as they have a sweet social event to look forward to. Whatever difficulty they might be personally enduring, they are going to make the “whole room shimmer.” They also have a tendency to self-sacrifice. As a Libra rising, I adore this Libra-relatable line “I think I’ve been a little too kind, didn’t notice you walking all over my peace of mind [in the shoes I gave you as a present].”



Scorpio -- Look What You Made Me Do


 The Scorpio personality is not to be trifled with, and the lyrics to this song explain perfectly the way they play a very long game. If anyone can rise “up from the dead” and “do it all the time” and also “have a list of names, and yours is in red underlined” it is your Scorpio.



Sagittarius -- Blank Space


Sunny Sagittarius can typically walk away from most anything if it is not working out for them. And sometimes, even if it is. So many lines from this song scream Sagittarius (the sign of Swift herself, which makes perfect sense). “Love’s a game, wanna play,” “grab your passport and my hand” “I love the players and you love the game.” If you are struggling to understand this sign, read the lyrics to this song.



Capricorn – The Man


 Capricorn is the sign of authority figures and bosses; “The Man” so to speak. This song riffs on the understanding that there are unspoken codes of conduct in our society that are totally different for men than women. Whether you are male, female or neither, Capricorn energy is totally “The Man.”



Aquarius – You Need to Calm Down


This anthem of inclusivity which strikes out at those who gossip and “throw stones” totally vibes with Aquarian energy. The group dynamic and cutting-edge energy of Aquarius, as well as the need to be detached from those who “would rather be in the dark ages.” It even refers to social media and the internet, both Aquarian creations and places. “Cause shade never made anybody less gay so….”



Pisces – Lavender Haze


 It can often feel like the Pisces personality lives in a Lavender Haze, a gauzy half-here half-not type of energy. Often misinterpreted, Pisces sees the world in a different way than the rest of the signs. They can struggle with day-to-day things like keeping up with their car keys, or remembering to turn in an assignment. As the sign that rules the subconscious, real life can be a little too real for sensitive Pisces, they can completely prefer staying in their dreamy, untethered state of consciousness.

And … that’s my take on the Zodiac signs as Taylor Swift songs. Would love to hear your suggestions in the comments.

Jill Loftis

Jill Loftis is an astrologer, mystic, yogi and mom. She came to study and learn astrology as a student of the Kriya lineage through the teachings of Goswami Kriyananda.

In addition to practicing astrology and teaching yoga, she offers spiritual guidance sessions and mentoring, tarot readings and she leads workshops and trainings on meditation, breathwork, and life transformation.

She splits her time between her home in Portugal and Southwestern Virginia with her husband. She enjoys international travel, gardening, good food, and chicken watching.


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PEF January 15, 2024