Nuit Astrology

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Journaling Questions for the Summer of Retrogrades

Whew … this Summer has been SO retrograde-y. The outer planets have been stationing and moving backwards, reviewing in their slow steady way the changes we have integrated in the Taurus, Pisces and Capricorn areas of life.

These heavy-hitters move the collective and we can see the changes brought by Uranus in Taurus, which has destabilized things we thought permanent like the actual Earth herself, money and resources like food. Neptune in Pisces continues to amp our obsession with glamour, celebrity and illusory things like social media or the lure of checking out in myriad ways. It does not appear to be leading us to deeper spiritual work, which would be the highest use of this energy. And then Pluto dipped into Aquarius for the period of March through May and then back into Capricorn for some major shakeups of more structures; the bones of the Earth (again!), the systems we rely upon, those we appoint to be in charge of those systems.

The overriding retrograde of the Summer, though, has been Venus moving backwards in the sign of Leo and then Mercury joining her to glide backwards through the sign of Virgo.

You’ve seen all the people from the past showing up in various ways, yes? All of the relationship drama trauma? Changes to what we perceive to be of value, or beautiful or interesting? Changes to the way we want to be seen and how we want others to see us.

The Divine Feminine has put on quite a show this Summer, feeling more comfortable and confident. Remember the shadow though; there will be many who are not comfortable with the Goddess being front and center and owning her awesome.

Let’s take a short journaling journey to see what the lessons of this Summer have been for you.


1.     Where is Leo in your chart?

2.     How have your values shifted in that area of life?

3.     What changes did you make to how you spend your time, energy or money this Summer? Are those changes sustainable?

4.     What people from your past resurfaced this Summer, and in what form? (Example: did they contact you? Did you hear about them from someone else? Did you discover an old letter or come across a photograph?

5.     What did those interactions reflect back to you about how you have changed or grown in the years since?

6.     What is more important to you now? What is less important to you now?

7.     How has your primary relationship changed over the Summer?

8.     What strengths did this Summer show you about that relationship? What negative aspects of the relationship came to light?

9.     How has what you want out of a love relationship changed this Summer?


1.     Where is Virgo in your chart? What has needed to be repaired, reconsidered or released in that area of life?

2.     What have you been shown that needs to change?

3.     What have you been shown that needs to be started or renewed?

4.     In what ways are you too critical or judgmental about yourself?

5.     In what ways are you too critical or judgmental about others?

6.     What needs to shift in order to be discerning, but not hyper-critical?

7.     What annoys you the most about other people? How does that same behavior show up in your own personality?


You may also wish to take a look at the following areas of life:


1.     Taurus – both Jupiter and Uranus are currently retrograde in that area of life. How are you “breaking free.” How are you managing abundance in that area of life?

2.     Pisces – both Neptune and Saturn are currently retrograde in that area of life. How are you deluding yourself? How are you spiritualizing your life? Where do you need to work harder and smarter?

3.     Capricorn – you are currently wrapping up your Pluto in Capricorn lessons in deep preparation for Pluto into Aquarius for twenty years starting late next year. There will be a series of retrogrades in and out of the last degrees. What needs to “die” and be “reborn” in the late Capricorn area of life?


I hope this was useful and helpful, my friends. Please comment below if you have any questions. May your journaling review reveal to you useful information that will help you to move forward with grace, ease and abundance!

