Nuit Astrology

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PEF Week of September 25, 2023

PEF Week of September 25


September 25, Mercury in Virgo trine to Jupiter in Taurus (again); monitor the mind for insights, ideas, and don’t take the energy for granted. Aqua Moon squares to Jupiter in Taurus, wise detachment.


September 26, Aquarius Moon trine to Mars in Libra; opposes Venus in Leo; squares Uranus in Taurus; voids at 8:36 am for a loooong time, until 8:18 pm EST. Then moves into Pisces and conjuncts Saturn. Don’t overschedule this day.


September 27, Pisces Moon blessing to Jupiter in Taurus, offering inspiration.


September 28, Pisces Moon opposes Mercury in Virgo; sextiles Uranus in Taurus; conjuncts Neptune; sextiles Pluto in Capricorn; schedule some creative time. Moon voids from 4:58 pm to 8:17 pm EST.


September 29, Full Moon at 6° Aries at 5:58 am; Venus in Leo exact square to Uranus in Taurus. Again. Could highlight what the North Node in Aries will be amplifying next year; what do you need to let go of in the Aries area of your chart? Good for elimination of negative independence, anger, cockiness; any shadow Aries traits.


September 30, Mercury in Virgo trine to Uranus in Taurus, watch for potential sudden downloads, insights, information flowing your way. South Node and Mars move to conjunct in Libra, Mars in Libra opposes both the Aries Moon and the North Node; super karmic relationship events. Take note of 22, 23, 24 degrees anywhere, these are highly activated degrees over these few days. Aries Moon trines Venus in Leo; squares Pluto in Capricorn; voids from 5:50 pm to 9:18 pm EST; don’t be rash.

October 1, Venus in Leo trine NN in Aries, sextile Mars and South Node in Libra; Moon in Taurus touches Jupiter. Mars and the South Node stay connected in a conjunction in Libra through October 8 which makes the Mars energy very extreme and depleting. Watch relationship dynamics carefully!