Nuit Astrology

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PEF Week of November 6, 2023

Planetary Energy Forecast Week of November 6


November 6, Mercury in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces, inspiration meets piercing mental clarity. Along with other aspects there is a lot of lovely outer planet energy, see the bigger picture influence on the collective.


November 7, Moon in Virgo sends nice vibes to Jupiter in Taurus and the Sun in Scorpio, Mercury in Scorpio moves away from the Uranus in Taurus opposition and Mars steps into it which turns sudden ideas into sudden actions.


November 8, Venus into Libra, a placement she loves, a much more social  and peaceful Venus. Mercury in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn, at least a day before and a day after which will present excellent opportunities to discover solutions to problems. The Sun is catching up to Mars in Scorpio, so feeling some intensity in that area of life, don’t run or hide. Engage. Also, we have some nice Virgo Moon aspects. This day has good energy for having tough conversations.


November 9, Mercury wraps up Scorpio lessons and whilst still flowing with Pluto begins to clash with Saturn; this can be useful if you are change adept and willing to do the work. Libra Moon touches Venus; dating and mating vibes.


November 10, Challenging day, don’t overschedule. Mercury moves into Sagittarius and immediately has a precise square to Saturn in Pisces. This will test the information you’ve been receiving so far this month. Don’t let it crush the optimism that Mercury into Sagg can bring! Also, Mars in Scorpio opposition to Uranus in Taurus strengthens. Watch yourself, this energy can bring some sudden, shocking events – what areas of life are these for you? Libra Moon right across from Chiron in Aries highlighting what hurts -- stay grounded.


November 11, Moon voids 10:05 am to 1:39 pm; exact Mars/Uranus opposition and the Sun in Scorpio is close by and preparing to oppose Uranus in Taurus too. Stay nimble, there will be some reversals, power dynamics, reality checks.


November 12, Sun and Mars very close together in Scorpio; they will walk together through November 29 which will strengthen them both. Both still standing across from Uranus in Taurus; volatility, yes, but also potential for breakthroughs. Scorpio Moon opposes Jupiter in Taurus; no excess, please. Venus in Libra picking up a nice sextile to Mercury in Sagittarius – this energy will stay in play until November 26, utilize this flow for nice social interactions, cleaning up some of the relationship messes that the previous month stirred up.