Nuit Astrology

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Winter Launch: Life Transformation Course Level 1 with Jill Loftis

Hello my friends,

I am happy to once again bring you the opportunity to study the deeper levels of yoga and spirituality. I developed this eight-week course 14 years ago to bring the more esoteric teachings of yoga to those who are willing to dig a little deeper into creating positive change in their life.

This course includes three 30-minute personal mentoring sessions with me via Zoom. That alone is a $150 value; I’m offering the Winter course for a fee of $108.00.

Each week beginning on the New Moon on November 13 I will email to you a link to several videos, as well as homework and journaling questions. The entire course is self-paced, with no pressure to complete it in the precise eight-week time period.

If you are ready to change your life, start here: Life Transformation Course.