Nuit Astrology

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Zodiacal Signs With the Worst Temper

Often I get requests from writers for information on different signs and their temperaments. Unfortunately they ask most often for negative character traits. I guess those get the most clicks.

I was recently asked for a list of the signs with the worst temper; here’s my list — do you agree?

There are several factors that might play into one’s temperament, particularly difficult angles to their Sun and, of course, the planet Mars which has a lot to do with our drive, will, and the energy of anger.

I would think the worst temper would be Aries individuals. These folks tend to be very independent, headstrong, and they are a Mars-ruled fire sign. They are the sign that is at the beginning of the entire Zodiac and there can potentially be a lack of maturity that can make it more difficult to wisely manage their strong emotions. Think of their symbol of the Ram being very hard-headed, full of energy, strength and opinions. This is a sign that blows up fast, and then moves on, with those left in their wake wondering exactly what happened.

For the runners up, I would first suggest Scorpio, another Mars-ruled sign, but this is a very different type of temper. This is a slow-burn energy; Scorpio keeps their cards very close to their chest and if they are angry with you, they have a long-view strategy to gain the upper hand – or just revenge. They have a strong sense of what they view to be right or wrong, and an enormous amount of inner strength and lack of fear which could lead to powerful emotional build ups behind the strength of their opinions. There can be a retaliatory darker edge to their anger. 

Next, I would say Cancer, but this is a very different type of energy as well. This anger comes from hypersensitivity; from wanting to come at you first so that you keep your distance and respect their space. Think of the image of the crab, pincers OUT! This sign can play very brash and strong, but this is often to disguise their fear of being hurt and their general emotional nature. They have so much drive to defend their turf, their property; their families or loved ones; that you should never underestimate the power of their emotions. Ruled by the Moon, they can change in a minute and instead of crying, they can be yelling.

I would include the sign of Leo on this list. Another fire sign, typically Leos are lovers, not fighters. But their flair for the dramatic can include bursts of anger, especially if they feel disrespected, unappreciated or if they are not receiving the service they desire. Their anger can be the outburst of anger to draw attention, or the petulant anger of not having your full attention. Typically flattery will calm them down and have them back to their joyful, magnetic selves.

Virgos demand the absolute best from themselves; and can become quite angry if you do not meet their expectations. This anger can come from the fact that they’ve typically lowered their standards for others behavior. And when the world cannot meet their lowered standards; standards much lower than they would require from themselves; this can generate a lot of strong emotions, anger being one of them. They can criticize with the best of them, and tend to excel at verbal gymnastics and argument. A tendency to martyr themselves in situations also can create angry emotions when the sacrifice turns out to be unappreciated or endless.

My final sign on the list would be Taurus. Your Taurean friend will typically avoid fights and arguments. This sign is ruled by Venus, and prefers beautiful, sensual Earthy experiences. But they can hold a grudge unlike any other sign. Taurus forgives, but never forgets. It takes many prods to get the bull angry, but once angered they can swing those horns around and it’s best to get out of the way.

What has been your experience? What do YOU think? Comment below!

