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Recommended Read: The Spiritual Science of Kriya Yoga

How is it possible I’ve maintained this blog for so long and NOT yet recommended this book? I suppose I just assumed it was my first recommendation. The Spiritual Science of Kriya Yoga by Goswami Kriyananda is my most dog-eared, thumbed-through, highlighted and pages-folded-back book in my entire library.

This one book is the centerpiece of Kriyananda’s teachings on the complete practice of yoga. From the philosophical teachings of Yama and Niyama to yoga postures, breathing techniques, meditation techniques and more, this book truly teaching the complete 8-limb system of yoga and reveals sacred and ancient techniques that anyone can learn to practice.

Don’t let some of the kriya cleansing techniques scare you (they are definitely from a time where yogis lived in places that were not clean), and soak up the vast wisdom of Goswami Kriyananda, truly a teacher for the ages.