Nuit Astrology

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Three Most Monogamous Zodiac Signs

Question: What three signs would tend to be the most monogamous and committed in relationships?

First on the list could be Capricorn. Capricorn would be most likely to have a long-term relationship. Typically quite serious about all of their undertakings, they don’t do casual anything. They are in it to win it, whether it is relationships or work. They dedicate themselves to whatever or whoever they love. Part of this is they are ruled by the planet Saturn, which makes things stick.

Second is Taurus. This sign is so loyal, determined, and steady. They tend not to like change and often stay in relationships that are past their expiration date. But be careful if you cross them; this sign will forgive, but absolutely never forget.

Sticking with our Earth signs, Virgo. Virgo is very selective and once they settle on someone they tend to be in it for the long haul. They tend not to want to do casual and “catch” something — monogamy would be their preference in most cases.

Librans can be quite flirtatious, but they also look for long-term


Your serial dater would be Gemini; they always want “both” and tend to easily slip from relationship to relationship. They are also quite flirtatious which can get them into trouble!